Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning with envious light in his eyes.

The desire for parental love in his eyes was so obvious.

He also wanted to be accompanied by his parents, and wanted his parents to really care about him.

He also wanted to eat his parents' meals, and wanted to see his parents when he came home from school.

Luo Yanxiao's eyes were slightly red.

He remembered that when he was a kid, he was picked up by the driver at home after school.

The servants cooked the meals at home, and he might not see his parents all year round.

Sometimes, during the New Year, the parents will not come back.

At that time, I was young and always looked forward to my parents' company.

Every time he calls, he will ask, "When will you come back, Dad, Mom, come to see me..."

His parents would answer him perfunctoryly, saying he would come back to see him when he had time.

At the parent meeting, neither of his parents would go.

He felt that he had never been rebellious since childhood, and it was really incredible.

When he was a child, he was accompanied by grandma. When grandma went, he was very lonely.

So he let himself change into the sunlight, it seems that it can illuminate others.

Luo Yanxiao also said to Liu Ningning: "I also hope my parents can accompany me like this, maybe they make money to make me live better, but what I need more is their company, and they need me to care about me. , Even one sentence, I scored a perfect score, eager to share their results with them, and want them to compliment me, but they will say they know, the phone said..."

Luo Yanxiao didn't know why he told Liu Ningning this.

He said this, the corners of his mouth involuntarily brought up a bitter arc.

Liu Ningning listened, feeling incredible.

It turns out that their family children also have their troubles.

Liu Ningning felt that what she had was also very beautiful.

So she should cherish it even more. She has to work hard to make money in the future, so that she will not let her parents work or let them work so hard.

In contrast, her parents are still very good.

What she has is also very good.

Indeed, Zi Lingxi and Cha Qingluo also said that she is particularly envious of her parents. She can also enjoy her father’s love.

Liu Ningning pursed her lips and didn’t know how to comfort Luo Yanxiao. "They may want to be with you, they want to care about you. Maybe they have to do a lot of things and have to consider all aspects, so they can’t be with you. , But they give you money to spend, which is also a manifestation of loving you. There are many ways for parents to love, at least they don’t care about you, do they?"

Listening to Liu Ningning's words, Luo Yanxiao also relieved a little in her heart.

The same is true, but these words have never been told to him before.

No one has ever enlightened him like this.

Liu Ningning looked at Luo Yanxiao's face a lot better and continued: "Actually everyone is homesick too. I think your parents would like to accompany you more and want to be at home, but just at home If they accompany you, they won’t be able to work. Maybe they won’t be able to buy you as much as you want. They love you too, but some parents may not say it.”

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning and watched her frowning and trying to comfort him. He suddenly had nothing to worry about and he didn't bother about it.

He smiled and said, "Liu Ningning, you really comfort people."

Liu Ningning was a little embarrassed and shook his head. "No, you don't tell me this, I don't know."

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