Luo Yanxiao found that he liked talking to Liu Ningning very much, and he felt a sense of relaxation.

Very comfortable, this is not the feeling with his group of buddies.

At this time Luo Yanxiao did not know that some girls were the kind of people who were amazing, and some were the kind who were warm years.

Liu Ningning is actually the kind of girl who warms up.

Luo Yanxiao couldn't help but wanted to say a lot to Liu Ningning.

Liu Ningning actually wanted to talk to Luo Yanxiao. She had a feeling that she couldn't help but talk.

She seemed to be willing to talk to Luo Yanxiao with many thoughts in her heart.

But here is the library. If you talk, you will make people read.

She can only stop the topic as soon as possible, and then read the book.

If it were before, Liu Ningning might also be afraid to talk to Luo Yanxiao and others to fight.

Now protected by Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi, she also knows that she doesn't have to worry about anything.

People are walking right, sitting on the side, really nothing to fear.

There is justice in this world.

Luo Yanxiao looked anxious as Liu Ningning stopped talking.

He read the book quietly, watched the evening time when it was supper, and said: "Liu Ningning, shall I invite you to dinner? Have dinner!"

He actually feels that many of his classmates have returned home at school now, and there is a sense of indifference. He wants to eat with Liu Ningning and talk more.

The main reason is that Liu Ningning has a feeling of warmth and relaxation.

There seems to be a feeling of home.

Anyway, Luo Yanxiao didn't quite understand, he just did what he thought.

Liu Ningning was shocked when Luo Yanxiao said this.

Does he invite her to dinner?

Liu Ningning felt a little incredible, her eyes widened, she was really shocked.

Luo Yanxiao invited her to dinner?

It seems that boys always invite girls to eat alone.

Liu Ningning's heart jumped a few times, and a subtle feeling rose in his heart.

There is a feeling of spring breeze.

The heartbeat was a little fast, she was thinking, is this the feeling of love?

She instinctively thought that she should not promise to eat, and she also had self-esteem. She actually did not want Luo Yanxiao to invite him to dinner.

But she could not afford him to eat.

It must be very expensive for the children of the family to go out for dinner!

Liu Ningning was very contradictory.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning and hesitantly said: "I was stunned when the ball hit you. I have to apologize. I would be guilty if you don't promise to eat." Liu Ningning heard this sentence and ordered Nodded.

Luo Yanxiao saw Liu Ningning nodded, he was all happy.

Then, Luo Yanxiao prepared to take Liu Ningning to dinner.

Liu Ningning carrying a school bag, Luo Yanxiao hurriedly carried Liu Ningning's school bag on his shoulders, "You see you are so thin, carrying a school bag, how heavy, I let you carry the school bag, I empty my own hand, I will Guilty."

Liu Ningning watched Luo Yanxiao carrying her schoolbag forward, and she paused, stunned.

The first time someone gave her a school bag.

There is a warm feeling in her heart.

She feels that although Luo Yanxiao is the master, he is actually very attentive, he can take care of others, and he can take care of others' emotions.

Luo Yanxiao walked a few steps and found that Liu Ningning did not catch up. He turned around and said, "Did I walk too fast? Then I slowed down and you followed."

Liu Ningning smiled gently, then ran a few times, caught up with Luo Yanxiao, and walked side by side with him.

When walking side by side, Liu Ningning felt that Luo Yanxiao was tall, and she could only reach his shoulder. If she wanted to speak, she would have to look up at him.

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