But Liu Ningning had to admit that Luo Yanxiao had a very sunny feeling on him. He seemed to radiate light all over him, which could shake people's minds.

Liu Ningning didn't find out that when she walked beside Luo Yanxiao, the whole person was brisk.

And Liu Ningning found that her heart was beating fast.

Before, her world was full of books~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now, she and Luo Yanxiao are talking and walking together, and she finds that it is a happy feeling that she has never had before.

This is a sense of happiness that the book cannot give.

She knew what she felt about Luo Yanxiao.

Therefore, she understands in a trance, why many people are in love.

Love brings a different feeling.

People's hearts are full of expectations.

Listening to Luo Yanxiao's words, Liu Ningning looked up at him from time to time, and his heart was the same as that of the little deer.

She has always felt that Luo Yanxiao is a child of the family, a young master, and has a very good family background. It is not possible for girls like her to be close.

But when Luo Yanxiao appeared before her again and again, she could not control her own heart first.

She thought it would be good to be able to talk.

Because Luo Yanxiao gave her a completely different feeling and made her feel good, she felt that even the street lights were so beautiful.

Luo Yanxiao looked down at Liu Ningning and said, "Why don't you talk?"

Liu Ningning smiled softly, "I am listening to you."

Liu Ningning's smile was a genuine smile. When he laughed, he had a soft taste, warmer than the sun, and it seemed to warm people's hearts.

It is so soft, there is a good feeling of quiet years.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's smile, his heart seemed to be ironed, and his restless heart seemed calm.

Luo Yanxiao initially felt that Liu Ningning was not good-looking, but when he got along, he felt that it looked a lot better.

He didn't know that there was a girl who was very attractive.

In fact, it is also related to mood. Luo Yanxiao feels that Liu Ningning is better, he will think she looks good.

Of course, in fact, Liu Ningning is also very good-looking, but long-term malnutrition, coupled with the use of skin care products, and too simple to wear, so in front of a group of exquisitely dressed girls, it is much dimmer.

Luo Yanxiao didn't know at this time, and Liu Ningning's exquisiteness was very beautiful in the future.

At that time, Liu Ningning was amazing.

It's just that Liu Ningning didn't know at this time, nor Luo Yanxiao.

When a girl has time and energy to make herself better, she can really get better.

Liu Ningning followed Luo Yanxiao out.

Luo Yanxiao seemed to think of something. He paused and looked at Liu Ningning. "Liu Ningning, why don't you ask me..."

"Ask you?"

"Ask me where to eat and what to eat?"

Liu Ningning's face changed slightly, "If you invite me to eat, I will eat whatever I want."

Hearing this, Luo Yanxiao was surprised, so... so well-supported!

Luo Yanxiao is not the first time to invite girls to dinner. There are more rules to invite girls to eat. This one does not eat that one, especially those ladies who he knows, eating a meal is really a headache.

They are very particular about environment and food.

But Liu Ningning her, she trusts him so much, she doesn't ask anything, and doesn't say, just eat whatever you please.

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