Luo Yanxiao's expression changed, he felt a little weird, and Liu Ningning also got along well.

And he looked down carefully at Liu Ningning's expression, and found that her eyes were so clear, what she seemed to think in her heart, that's what she said.

Luo Yanxiao smiled, this time the smile was sincere, and his brows all brought light.

Liu Ningning looked at Luo Yanxiao's smile, only to think he seemed to be alive.

She felt he was stunning again.

It wasn't the day of the party, she felt his feeling in the stands, now he is in front of her, so close, they can still talk.

In fact, Liu Ningning has a very satisfied feeling in his heart.

She is actually very easy to satisfy.

Because of her childhood experience, she knows how to be grateful and cherish.

Luo Yanxiao couldn't help but asked: "If I invite you to eat the roadside stall, will you also eat it?"

"The roadside stalls also have a lot of food."

Listening to Liu Ningning's serious words, Luo Yanxiao laughed, "Go, take you to eat something else today, we can eat roadside stalls in the future."

As Liu Ningning said, roadside stalls also have a lot of food.

He used to want to eat. The expressions of the girls made him embarrassed.

His buddies are not necessarily willing to eat.

Today, he is in a good mood.

Liu Ningning pursed her lips, her heart leaked, and she couldn't help but guess, would he continue to take her to dinner?

Luo Yanxiao was in a good mood and soon brought Liu Ningning to a restaurant.

This restaurant is very elegant and with soothing music, Liu Ningning feels out of place as soon as he walks in.

She had never been to such a place, and she never dared to think about it.

The things here must be expensive!

In the past, there was a small shop in the town that sold drinks. When the summer was particularly hot, she was very tired. She would not walk in and take a seat, because she had to buy a drink and it was very expensive.

Luo Yanxiao said boldly: "Let's go, we will sit there. The food here is pretty good. When I first started school, I had a few buddies with you. What do you want to eat? ."

Liu Ningning tried hard to be more natural. When he saw the menu, he was a bit stunned.

With her eyes wide open, Luo Yanxiao looked very cute.

"Haha, did you scare you?"

Liu Ningning listened to Luo Yanxiao's natural laughter, and the whole person relaxed. "Well, a little scared, a drink is so expensive?"

When he first got along with Luo Yanxiao, Liu Ningning felt inferior and unnatural.

Ever knowing that Luo Yanxiao is also a troublesome person, since she has said so many words, she feels that she can speak naturally and behave.

Anyway, she came out of the country, she has never seen the world, there is nothing to hide, and it would be more embarrassing to deliberately pretend.

"I tell you that you come here to eat in this place just for a comfortable environment. The food, drinks, and other things here are not expensive. They run services. Nowadays, many restaurants are like this. They pay attention to the environment and comfort... …"

Luo Yanxiao couldn't help but start talking to Liu Ningning.

Liu Ningning listened carefully, and she felt that she could learn a lot by listening to these words.

The two talked and relaxed. Liu Ningning couldn't order food, but Luo Yanxiao came to order.

But he asked Liu Ningning's preferences very carefully, "Is it possible to drink lemon juice? It's still a hot drink, this taste, I think you girls will like..."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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