There is still a lot of music here, just like the castle in the fairy tale.

Many children run and laugh.

More couples.

Huang Luoxiu bought the ticket online, and Zi Lingxi lined up.

There are security checks at the entrance. After the security check, when entering, Zi Lingxi is excited like a child.

In fact, if one comes here to play, it is not interesting.

But the point is that now she is here to play with people she likes, so she is very excited.

I feel that my heart is jumping with joy.

Although Zi Lingxi was excited, she didn't know how to play. She only thought that the scenery here was beautiful and wanted to take pictures.

While she was taking a selfie, Huang Luoxiu was standing by and waiting for her.

"Brother, take some pictures for me!"

"it is good."

Huang Luoxiu can only take pictures with his mobile phone, thinking that next time he will come out to play with Zi Lingxi, he may have to bring a camera.

Zi Lingxi put various actions to make Huang Luoxiu shoot.

After filming for a while, Zi Lingxi couldn't help saying: "Brother, shall we take a photo?"

When he said this, Zi Lingxi hesitated for a long time before saying so.

Neither she nor Huang Luoxiu really took a group photo.

Huang Luoxiu froze and took a group photo. It seemed that he took more photos with his parents and two younger sisters.

Now I want to come and really did not take a photo with Zi Lingxi.

Seeing that Huang Luxiu didn't refuse, Zi Lingxi hurriedly gave her cell phone to passers-by and asked passers-by to help take pictures.

Then she quickly took Huang Luoxiu's arm and stood beside him, posing.

The passer-by looked at both of them, they were all amazing, really handsome men.

After taking photos of the two, the passerby was still stunned, and never recovered.

After filming for a while, Zi Lingxi realized that she wasted a long time.

She seems to have forgotten to play.

Looking at Zi Lingxi's somewhat depressed look, Huang Luoxiu said: "Don't worry, what do you want to play, take you to play, this time not enough to play, we will come again next time." Hearing his brother said, Zi Lingxi I'm not nervous anymore.

Although there are a lot of people, Zi Lingxi doesn't know where the VIP Green Pass ticket from Huang Luxiu came from, so you can play directly without queuing.

Because Zi Lingxi wanted to play the carousel, Huang Luoxiu accompanied her to play together.

There is also a pirate ship.

Seeing the pirate ship, Zi Lingxi was excited.

She also wanted to take a boat to go deep in the sea to play.

Although she now lives on the island and has seen the sea, she has never been to the sea.

Zi Lingxi thought, gently pulling Huang Luoxiu's sleeve, "Brother, we... can we go to the sea to play?"

"Want to go to sea by boat?"

Zi Lingxi nodded hard, she wanted to go.

Huang Luoxiu smiled softly, the eighteen-year-old girl, actually indecisive!

"There is time to accompany you." The next day, Huang Luoxiu was going to take Zi Lingxi to play in the country of e.

"it is good."

Zi Lingxi was very playful. When she went back, she was tired and fell asleep in the car.

When getting off, Huang Luoxiu didn't quarrel with Zi Lingxi, but hugged her sideways and directly into the villa bedroom.

Huang Luoxiu's movement is very light, try not to wake up Zi Lingxi.

When Zi Lingxi woke up in a trance, it was Huang Luoxiu who placed her on the bed.

Seeing that Huang Luoxiu would leave when he got up, Zi Lingxi reached out and grabbed Huang Luoxiu's arm, "Brother, don't go."

When he said this, Zi Lingxi's voice was hoarse, his eyes blinked, a little confused, and a little pitiful.

Huang Luoxiu's body stiffened, and his body did not move, looking down at Zi Lingxi.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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