Zi Lingxi didn't know where the courage came from, so she clutched Huang Luoxiu's arm tightly, as if grasping the life-saving straw.

She said vaguely that she would not allow herself to flinch.

And I don't know why. She is very fragile in her heart now. She has a feeling of wanting to rely on her and her brother.

Zi Lingxi also really played too hi, tired of playing.

And when playing, her brother spoiled her every time she guarded her, and she felt particularly clear.

So at this time, she was so bold.

When the older brother hugged her, the princess hugs her. She is particularly good and has a sense of security.

She hasn't realized that kind of warmth yet. She is so fragile now that she just wants to hug, hug more and rely more.

Perhaps it was because she felt that Huang Luoxiu had pampered her, so she craved more and wanted more.

The kind of expectation in Zi Lingxi's eyes, the kind of praying eyes are too obvious.

Especially she was lying on the bed, holding Huang Luoxiu's arm in such a posture.

Huang Luoxiu's eyes became darker and darker, and his expressions were tight.

This girl can know what this action means for a man.

This girl is only 18 years old!

Huang Luoxiu's eyes gleamed with a dim light, and what was clearly extinguished made people unable to distinguish emotions.

Zi Lingxi looked at Huang Luoxiu and didn't speak. He didn't know why.


Huang Luoxiu reached out to hold Zi Lingxi's arm, and then pulled her hand down firmly.

Zi Lingxi's heart panicked, she took Huang Luoxiu's hand harder.

But how could her strength compare with Huang Luoxiu.

Zi Lingxi's complexion has changed, white is terrible.

"Brother, don't leave."

Huang Luoxiu's head is also chaotic, the whole person is very tight, all movements are instinctively done rationally.

"Lingxi, you are obedient, you are tired of playing today, take a good night's sleep, don't think about anything, it will be fine the next day, your brother is downstairs and will not go anywhere."

With that, Huang Luoxiu stiffened his body, covered Zi Lingxi with the quilt, and quickly left the bedroom.

Zi Ling stared at Huang Luoxiu's movements, and felt pain in his heart.

Then she sat up and cried, her tears streaming out.

She had never cried like this, it was really uncomfortable.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. She was annoyed and uncomfortable.


Huang Luoxiu almost came downstairs quickly.

Standing downstairs for a while, he didn't know what he was going to do.

He opened the window and let the cold wind blow in.

After a long while, Huang Luoxiu also recovered his calmness and reason.

Thinking of just now, Huang Luoxiu almost hit his fist on the wall.

After relaxing his emotions, he went to the kitchen to warm up a glass of milk, and then took the milk upstairs.

As soon as he went upstairs, Huang Luoxiu seemed to hear a subtle sob, and it seemed that Zi Lingxi was crying.

Huang Luoxiu's face changed, and he quickly walked towards Zi Lingxi's bedroom.

When he walked in, he saw Zi Lingxi crying there, and his tears kept flowing out, and his heart was all together.

He paused at the door, his hands holding the glass of milk tight.

Zi Lingxi was crying with care, not paying attention to Huang Luoxiu at the door.

Huang Luoxiu tried his best to suppress his emotions, then walked over step by step and sat down by the bed, "Lingxi!"

Zi Lingxi stiffened, thinking it was auditory hallucinations.

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