Zi Lingxi looked at Emperor Luoxiu like this, but felt that her heart was shaking.

She pursed her lips, she had never seen Huang Luoxiu like this.

The elder brothers she knew were all distinguished and elegant, gentle and jade-like, even though the appearance looked cool and cold, but he was gentle.

There was always a soft glow in his eyes.

Even if she was so violent, he would look at her with helpless soft eyes.

It has never been such a deep gaze.

This gloomy and dim gaze seems to swallow people up, as if to eat them up.

Zi Lingxi caught his eyes, and his heart beat too fast.

The uncontrollable jump is fast, and the spine can't control straight.

She wanted to make a voice to call her brother, but she couldn't.

The throat seemed to be blocked, and there was no sound at all.

Zi Lingxi even had an urge to escape. Such an older brother made her want to escape instinctively.

There is a feeling in her subconscious that she may be swallowed the same.

Huang Luoxiu's eyes were so deep, as if locking her, let her escape from nothing.

Huang Luoxiu's breath is also very strong, so that Zi Lingxi has a sense of intoxication.

Zi Lingxi was very nervous. The milk she just drank seemed to have water stains on her mouth. She couldn't help but stick out her tongue and licked it. Then she realized what she was and shrank again.

Huang Luoxiu deeply locked Zi Lingxi, "Want to escape?"

Zi Lingxi shook his head, "No... not..."

Huang Luoxiu stretched out his fingers and gently wiped the milk from Zi Lingxi's mouth.

The rubbing of the fingers on the fingertips rubbed the lips, making Zi Lingxi's face red.

She throbbed several times.

Her body suddenly softened, and she was unable to sit firmly, leaning towards Huang Luoxiu.

Huang Luoxiu grabbed Zi Lingxi's waist.

Zi Lingxi felt Huang Luoxiu at this moment, and the whole body was hot.

The arm also seems to be hot and hot.

She seemed to be burned.

Huang Luoxiu could smell the fragrance belonging to the girl at such a close distance, his eyes darkened.

Huang Luoxiu said in Zi Lingxi's ear: "Lingxi, you know?"

Huang Luoxiu's breath touched Zi Lingxi's ear, making Zi Lingxi feel a little itchy.

She couldn't help swallowing.

She leaned her head, then brushed Huang Luoxiu's lips with her unpredictable cheek.

She just felt that she was going to blow up, she was going to faint.

This accidental kiss felt completely different from her previous active kiss.

Zi Lingxi licked her lips, and some shuddered and said: "Brother...brother..."

She felt that her brother at this time was very dangerous, and she did not know why.

Her heart was shaking.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Zi Lingxi wanted to shake his head and wanted to say no fear, but his tongue seemed to turn and could not speak.

Huang Luoxiu looked down at Zi Lingxi and said: "Girl, the one you see is not the real me, everyone has many faces, do you know?"

Zi Lingxi's head was buzzing, not quite understanding what Huang Luoxiu meant.

"Girl, you also said that we are not related by blood. You don't treat me as an elder brother, but don't treat me as an elder brother, you must know that I am a man, okay?"


What do you mean, what do you mean?

Zi Lingxi's brain is short-circuited now, and she just can't think normally.

Her eyes were a little confused, and her body was still soft.

"Girl, do you know what it means to invite a man not to go?"

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