Zi Lingxi palpitated. She didn't think much about it. I don't know why. After hearing her brother's words, she suddenly felt so ambiguous and ambiguous.

Ambiguity radiated from the air.

Her face was slightly warm, and she seemed to have forgotten the tension and fear she had just had.

Of course, she understood.

Only when she was confused before, she didn't think so much, just relying on her brother.

It would be tiring to play, and fell asleep, and then woke up and was found to be held in bed by my brother.

At that time, when I woke up, the whole person's spirit was in a trance. All the actions I made were instinctive, and I wanted to do something in my heart.

Maybe she was spoiled by her brother recently, and she forgot about it herself.

She began to be bold, and began to want to do whatever she wanted.

She felt that her brother might still spoil her.

At that moment, she was completely instinctive, and she didn't think so much.

Moreover, a person sleeping in a Noda’s bedroom will be afraid, and his heart will be lonely.

So she relied on her brother and wanted to hold her and wanted him to accompany her.

Perhaps there is further, she is not afraid.

She felt she was mentally prepared.

Although she was a little nervous, she was actually looking forward to it.

What she really wanted to do was lie in her brother's arms and sleep.

She feels safe in that way.

She was too eager for warmth, too much to have a home, a home that belongs to her.

She likes Huang Luoxiu, so she rushes forward regardless.

But she didn't expect her brother to have such a swallowing look.

She was instinctively afraid of such a cold breath.

Huang Luoxiu said hoarsely, he looked at Zi Lingxi without saying anything, and whispered: "Girl, if you don't understand, am I going to popularize it for you?"

Zi Lingxi's tongue turned again, "No... No, I... I know, I know..."

She is not a child, she should understand.

She thought about the ambiguous scenes, she was a little dry, and could not help swallowing.

Just thinking about it, her body softened into water.

Hearing Zi Lingxi's words, Huang Luoxiu raised his eyebrows, and it seemed a little weird.

Huang Luoxiu rolled his throat and said, "I understand everything? Do you know the difference between men and women?"

Zi Lingxi stuttered: "Know...know..."

Hearing Zi Lingxi's affirmative answer, Huang Luoxiu's eyes were darker, with a faint light, as if a storm condensed inside.

Huang Luoxiu's breath was slightly heavy.

He looked at Zi Lingxi and said nothing.

After Zi Lingxi finished speaking, she didn't dare to look at Huang Luoxiu's look. She felt that she was being stared at with burning eyes.

She felt her head buzzing.

At this time, her body was particularly sensitive, her hands were so hot in the waist, and the breath in her ears was also hot.

She thought... at this moment, she thought more.

She couldn't help but hugged her hands around Huang Luoxiu's neck, her eyes blurred.

Her lips opened slightly, for Huang Luoxiu, all this was temptation.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi for a while, "Girl, tell me, what do you want?"

"I don't know, I just like my brother, I just like it, don't let my brother leave."

"Brother is still brother and won't leave you."

"No, not like this, I still want, I still want..."

With that, Zi Lingxi couldn't help tears coming out again.

Her body is very strange now, she is a bit shy and difficult to speak.

Huang Luoxiu closed his eyes, this girl was too gruesome, and it was terribly awkward, but made him...

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