Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 5534: It's okay, don't be afraid

Nan Jiateng supported the ground with one hand and sat up. He also saw the guilt-staining look of Cha Qingluo.

He took a deep breath and pretended to stand up easily. Then he stepped forward and touched the hair of the tea pour. "Don't cry, it's okay, just fall off. It's normal for a man to hit a ball while in his life."

Cha Qingluo blinked and looked at Nan Jiateng with some doubt, "Is it really all right?"

"It's okay, look at me, it's not good, eh? Don't feel bad."

Nan Jiateng's voice was deep and pleasant, and the low alcohol was very touching.

Such a voice is so gentle and soft, it seems to calm people's hearts.

In such a dark night, Cha Qingluo was originally empty and frightened. At this time, he relied on Nanjia Teng.

She reached out: "Hug."

Nan Jiateng just froze, and then reached out to hug Cha Qingluo, patted her back with his hand, and appeased, "Good, nothing, don't be afraid."

Cha Qingluo leaned on Nan Jiateng's arms greedily, with a deep sense of security in his heart.

As if nothing is afraid.

She feels very strange. Why is she not afraid of anything beside Nan Jiateng in his arms?

Although Nan Jiateng's back hurts a lot, he still gently calmed the tea's emotions, and gently stroked the hair on the back of her head with one hand.

After a while, Cha Qingluo's emotions stabilized, and she felt she was quite hypocritical.

Especially in front of Nan Jiateng, I can't help being hypocritical.

But she knew that she had an unspeakable like and dependence on Nan Jiateng.

She also feels that when it is not held like this, they still have to go back, and now they have to go back to rest in the middle of the night and get up early in the morning to go back to school.

Seeing Cha Qingluo's mood stabilized, Nan Jiateng said: "Go back, you still have military training during the day, go back and sleep for a while."

Cha Qingluo nodded, and then walked back with Nan Jiateng, back to the tent.

Before entering the tent, Cha Qingluo looked at Nan Jiateng reluctantly.

Nan Jiateng rubbed her head, "Come in and rest!"

Cha Qingluo pursed her lips and wanted to say something to Nan Jiateng.

But suddenly I didn't know what to say.

But she feels that the atmosphere under the night is quite good, there are no others, only she and Nan Jiateng.

She even had a feeling that she wanted to get into Nanjiateng's tent and sleep with him.

Thinking about it, Cha Qingluo blushed.

It's really strange, at night, people's emotions are easily amplified.

It is also easy to be alone, and she wants to hug.

"Go in, I watch you enter the tent."

Cha Qingluo nodded, reluctantly looking back at Nan Jiateng in three steps, and then returned to the tent.

Yang Manqin was sleeping in the tent.

Yang Manqin was also in the middle of the night, and was really tired and sleepy before he fell asleep.

She was really not used to sleeping next to her, so she fell asleep in the middle of the night.

But she didn't seem to realize that she slept soundly and slept well.

After the tea pours down, he will not be able to sleep for a while.

Thinking of Nan Jiateng's arms, her mouth could not help rising.

But it was really sleepy, and soon she fell asleep.


Nan Jiateng scratched a lot of back injuries.

He lived in a tent alone, so he took out some abrasion medicine from his schoolbag, took off his coat and wiped his back with a gauze.

But in some places, he is out of reach, and he can only deal with it roughly, waiting to go back to school in the morning and go to the medical office for treatment.

After putting the coat back on, Nan Jia Teng breathed a sigh of relief.

He had an instinctive feeling, but it was better that Cha Qingluo was injured.

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