The injury to Nan Jiateng's back left him lying on his side, and he couldn't sleep at all.

In his mind, I couldn't help thinking of Cha Qingluo's eyes, wet like the lost animals, and looked at him pitifully.

He could not help softening his heart.

Nan Jiateng sighed, and found that his mind was full of tea pouring, and he couldn't sleep.

The next day, as soon as the sky turned bright, the sound of insect songbirds sounded on the mountain.

Everyone is slowly getting up.

When Yang Manqin woke up, he saw the tea pouring beside him, and he was stunned.

She pondered and found out that she slept very well last night, was it because the tea was on her side?

Yang Manqin pondered, his eyes deepened.

When Cha Qingluo went out in the middle of the night, she was also sleepy and tired, especially climbing the mountain, which was also very tiring, so she was still asleep.

Slept soundly.

She didn't know that Yang Manqin was watching her with deep eyes for a long time.

Yang Manqin didn't know what he was thinking about sitting there, and he didn't call the tea pouring.

When the time was about the same, Nan Jiateng saw that the big guys were almost done, but Yang Manqin and Cha Qingluo had not yet come out.

He went outside their tent.

Nan Jiateng was walking outside the tent, hesitant to wake them up.

Yang Manqin heard the sound, simply tidied up, then walked out of the tent, "Are you going to leave?"

"When I go back to school at this time, everyone can just have breakfast without delaying your freshman military training. The time should be just right."

"Cha Qingluo hasn't woken up yet. You depart first. I will take her back by plane."

Nan Jiateng looked at Yang Manqin deeply and said nothing.

Yang Manqin's mouth evoked a cold arc, and she hated others to refute her opinion.

Although Nan Jiateng said nothing, she knew him, and he did not agree with her.

"Why? I'll take her back, you don't worry."

"You know I don't mean that. I brought Qingluo to the mountain. I want to take her back to school safely."

"If you don't worry, you can't worry. If you're turning around, I said, I will take her on a plane."


The voice outside was very light. Yang Manqin and Nan Jiateng also deliberately lowered their voices, trying not to make tea pouring.

But the tea-drenched wanderer also woke up and walked out of the tent.

She rubbed her hair.

Nan Jiateng watched Cha Qingluo wake up and did not argue with Yang Manqin. He looked at Cha Qingluo and said: "Everyone will get off the tramway and then take the bus back to school."

"Oh, I'll clean up immediately."

Yang Manqin looked at Cha Qingluo's answer and didn't mention the matter of going back by plane.

Yang Manqi has always been like this. In fact, he is talking about his mouth and actually taking care of the emotions of others.

She wouldn't mention the matter of flying again, making Cha Qingluo tangled and hesitant.

Cha Qingluo returned to the tent, replaced the pajamas, and after changing clothes, came out again.

After Cha Qingluo walked a few steps, he saw that Yang Manqin did not catch up. "Yang Manqin, don't you go back with us?"

A light flashed across Yang Manqin's eyes, "I will play on the mountain for a while, please go back!"


Cha Qingluo walked a few steps and ran back again, "Master, we still have military training."

"I take a leave!"

Cha Qingluo twitched her lips, Master is so capricious!

Cha Qingluo waved to Yang Manqin, and then followed Nan Jiateng and their group in a cable car down the mountain.

Cha Qingluo would always look back at Yang Manqin, and somehow suddenly, he was a little bit reluctant to Master.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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