Zi Lingxi stared at Huang Luoxiu with two eyes, with two clusters of flames in her eyes.

Huang Luoxiu's body stiffened under such eyes.

Zi Lingxi listened to what Huang Luoxiu had just said, and said with a lip: "Brother clearly does not have to be uncomfortable."

With that, Zi Lingxi swallowed, and boldly grabbed Huang Luoxiu's hand and put it in front of him.

But Huang Luoxiu's movements are faster, and Zi Lingxi's force and pressure cannot be compared with Huang Luoxiu's strength.

Huang Luoxiu rolled his throat and said, "Lingxi, obedient, you are 18 years old and can't be capricious, you must be responsible for your behavior, sleep well, it's not early, and you have to go to military training the next day."

Zi Lingxi was really excited at this time. She didn’t even want to think about the military training the next day. She couldn’t even sleep now. She wanted to keep looking at Huang Luoxiu like this.

Although Huang Luoxiu had not been seen for more than a week, she felt that she had not seen him for a long time.

She really missed him, and the information said that she missed it was not fake, that was her truth.

And Zi Lingxi even thought that she could ask for leave the next morning.

She is not capricious either. When she was in military training, she was very serious in military training, and all her movements tried to meet the standards.

But when it's time to play, she also wants to play.

For example, she didn’t want to go to military training tomorrow, but wanted to stay with her brother.

She cherishes every minute and every second.

Why is it that her brother is so sensible in her opinion.

Can't be wayward?

Well, she continues to get up early to go to military training.


After saying this, Huang Luoxiu closed his eyes and seemed to be tired. He wanted to rest.

Zi Lingxi was very reluctant, blinked, looked at Huang Luoxiu for a while, and determined that he was going to sleep.

She also lay quietly, no longer making noises, and did not speak.

Zi Lingxi couldn't sleep even lying down, especially Huang Luoxiu's breath was so strong, so good.

She couldn't help but want to get closer.

He has a fatal attraction to her.

Especially lying on his side, how could not be indifferent.

But obviously he is a man, she is a woman.

She feels that the scenes in the novel are so different from her and Huang Luoxiu's. It should be brought by her brother!

Zi Lingxi thought about it, but could not understand.

She controlled her inner madness and counted sheep, counted, and fell asleep.

When Zi Lingxi fell asleep, Huang Luoxiu opened his eyes.

He listened to the light sound of her deep sleep, a glare flashed through his eyes.

He turned sideways with his elbows on his head and looked deeply at Zi Lingxi.

Then, with a sigh, he gently touched Zi Lingxi's hair, covered them with quilts, and closed his eyes again.

But it would be that Huang Luoxiu could not sleep.

The girl's fragrance lingers in her ears, he is a man, how could he be indifferent.

Especially just now, the girl crawled on him and took the initiative to kiss him, and he flirted with fire.

After lying on the bed for a while, Huang Luoxiu rose gently and went to the living room.

Then went to the bathroom and took a shower.

When he returned to his bedroom, he found Zi Lingxi awake.

"How did you wake up?"

Zi Lingxi rubbed her eyes and looked at Huang Luoxiu, "Brother went to take a shower?"


"Brother washed it before going to bed."

At this time, Zi Lingxi stared at Huang Luoxiu closely.

Although the bedroom did not turn on the lights at this time, the street lights outside were reflected in the house with a little light.

Let Zi Lingxi faintly see Huang Luoxiu look.

At this time, Zi Lingxi, with a bright and extinct light in his eyes, made people palpitate.

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