Zi Lingxi looked at such a brother, really dry mouth, so the light in his eyes, with an unabashed desire.

At this time, the elder brother who had just taken a shower exuded a fatal temptation all over his body, which was so exciting that Zi Lingxi throbbed fiercely, and some emotions could not be controlled at all.

She remembered correctly that her brother took a bath before going to bed.

Why didn't you go to bed and go to take a shower?

Shouldn't it be what she thought.

Isn't my brother indifferent?

The elder brother actually wanted her, but he deliberately restrained himself and said that deliberately.

I didn't know it before, so Zi Lingxi would be eager to control it. Now that I know it, the fire inside her re-emerges.

Zi Lingxi's eyes were extinguished, with undisguised affection in his eyes, so deep that Huang Luoxiu could see at a glance.

Huang Luo Xiuguang looked at Zi Lingxi's eyes and knew what the girl wanted and wanted to do.

His body tensed at once, originally intended to go to bed, but at this moment, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and he stood like this.

He felt that if he came close at this time, he would be ignited by the fire.

"Brother, why are you taking a shower?"

Huang Luoxiu rolled his throat, "I just sweated a little."

He felt that for this reason he couldn't even convince himself to go to the bath, but he just wanted to lower the heat in his body, and he was naturally agitated.

But Huang Luoxiu obviously didn't know that if he stood here and didn't go to bed, it didn't mean that Zi Lingxi could not come.

Zi Lingxi lifted the thin quilt and then got out of bed.

She didn't even wear shoes, and walked towards Huang Luoxiu step by step.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi without wearing shoes, frowning, and at this moment he couldn't care about anything else. He directly embraced Zi Lingxi and put it on the bed, "How can he not wear shoes!"

Zi Lingxi pouted, and the atmosphere that had just been brewed disappeared.

Just now, she wanted to take the initiative to hug her brother, then kiss him, and then...

That's all she thinks in her mind, whichever one can wear shoes or not.

And just the princess hug, the brother took the initiative to hug her, at that moment, really excited to jump out.

She really likes such a princess hug and has a different feeling.

Huang Luoxiu frowned and talked to Zi Lingxi. When he looked at Zi Lingxi, he found that the girl was distracted. It seemed that she didn't hear anything at all.

Huang Luoxiu reached out and gently pinched Zi Lingxi's cheek, "What are you thinking, so absent-minded, did you hear what I said to you?"

"heard it."

"You can't walk barefoot on the ground in the future."

Zi Lingxi pouted, "I know, brother, but you can't come, I can only walk towards you."

In fact, in Huang Luoxiu's words, Zi Lingxi could hear his tension and worry, making her heart feel as if she was ironed, very comfortable.

Huang Luoxiu sighed, this girl can always have countless reasons.

"Okay, it's late, sleep!"

Listening to this sentence, Zi Lingxi hurriedly moved to the side of the bed, then patted himself, "Brother also came up."

Huang Luoxiu also went to bed, but just after he went to bed, Zi Lingxi rolled over and leaned on him.

Her eyes were very bright, and she looked at him without blinking, as if she was extremely dependent.

Huang Luoxiu looked at her like this, and his heart softened.

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