Today's Liu Ningning is different from the plain and simple dress on weekdays. She wears a plain white dress, which makes her look so fresh and clean, and has a feeling of breeze.

When the autumn wind blew, Liu Ningning's skirt blew up, making her seem to be drifting away with the wind.

At this time, Liu Ningning, like a cool wind in the hot summer, blows into the heart of the person, making the heart particularly refreshing.

Although it is autumn now, it also makes Luo Yanxiao suddenly feel a sense of comfort.

The irritable heart suddenly felt comfortable.

When Liu Ningning came out of the cafeteria, he was just facing Luo Yanxiao. He held the ball in his hand, and his eyes were burning.

Liu Ningning could feel that Luo Yanxiao was looking at her, and her heart suddenly jumped.

She also knows that she may be different now than usual, maybe it will look better, but she is still not confident.

She wore a skirt and lightly applied a light makeup. Very light makeup was made by Zi Lingxi for her. This skirt was also worn by Zi Lingxi.

Liu Ningning's eyes on Shang Luo Yanxiao only felt that his eyes were so bright and so deep that he could swallow everyone.

But she was a little nervous, she thought he should be watching her, she did not dare to be affectionate.

Because if she is passionate, if she finds that she is not what she thinks, she will have a gap in her heart and will be sad.

Zi Lingxi can see what is coming, she hopes that Liu Ningning is protected by someone.

Maybe Luo Yanxiao is really good.

She doesn't think that Liu Ningning is not worthy of Luo Yanxiao. Liu Ningning's good personality is not something everyone can discover.

Moreover, although Luo Yanxiao is a child of the family, he doesn't have that kind of flirtatious atmosphere. Although he is very handsome and capable, he hasn't seen any girl with him for such a long time after school.

A light flashed in Zi Lingxi's eyes, "Ning Ning, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do. I'll call my brother..."

With that said, Zi Lingxi hurriedly said to Luo Yanxiao: "Sorry, I'm a little busy. Please go back and help me send Ning Ning back to the dormitory..."

After finishing talking, Zi Lingxi didn't give the two people time to reflect, and didn't wait for the two to speak, and ran away directly.

After Liu Ningning reacted, he opened his mouth to call Zi Lingxi, but found that Zi Lingxi had run away.

When she looked at Luo Yanxiao again, she was a little embarrassed, ""

Liu Ningning tried hard to find a topic to talk about, and wanted to make the atmosphere between the two not so embarrassing.

But she found that her brain was short-circuited.

With a smile in his eyes, Luo Yanxiao seemed to have a star-like light flashing. When he looked at Liu Ningning, it was very soft, "Ning Ning, you look pretty today."

Luo Yanxiao rarely praises a girl in this way. In his eyes, many girls are the same, and there is no difference in his eyes.

But he saw that Liu Ningning was different, and he did not mean his language.

And he really thinks she looks good tonight, especially under the street lights, she seems to have a soft halo on her body, making her heart soft. This was the first time Luo Yanxiao praised her for being good-looking. When Luo Yanxiao wanted to comfort her in the past, she racked her brains and came up with a word that was all internal beauty.

In fact, everyone loves beauty, and she also wants to look good in front of people she likes.

So at this time Luo Yaxiao praised such a sentence, her mood was bright.

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