Liu Ningning's mouth gently raised a smile, very shallow and very light, but it made her whole person brighter and her facial features were vivid.

When Liu Ningning laughed, the whole person was different and vivid.

At this moment, Luo Yanxiao felt his heart beating.

Such a time, such a night, such a hot and cold season, the atmosphere is really good.

The two looked like this, and didn't speak, but the flickering light in their eyes, apparently extinguished, was also somewhat ambiguous.

Liu Ningning pursed her lips and said, "Thank you."

Luo Yanxiao came to Liu Ningning in two steps and said, "I'm telling the truth, are you out today?"

Luo Yanxiao leaned so close, Liu Ningning felt that her breath was a little suffocating, and her heart seemed to jump faster. "Well, I went out today and found a part-time job during the holiday."

"What part-time job?"

Luo Yanxiao didn't realize that there were more questions, he just instinctively wanted to know where she went.

"It's the clothing store in the mall that helps entertain customers."

Hearing this, Luo Yanxiao suddenly realized that she would have such a dress.

It is indeed much more beautiful than usual.

Liu Ningning also tried to find the topic, "Have you gone to play?"

"Well, I called a few people at night to play together and exercise."

Pausing, Luo Yanxiao said: "Are you in a hurry to go back now?"

Under Luo Yanxiao's eyes, Liu Ningning ghostly said: "No... don't rush back."

Luo Yanxiao heard this sentence and smiled brightly, "I'm just hungry and want to eat something. Would you like to go in with me to eat."

"I just ate, or if you go to eat first, I will go back to the dormitory first."

"That won't work. I promised you a roommate. Those who want to send you back, or I won't eat, I will send you back."

"Then I will accompany you to eat in the cafeteria!"

Liu Ningning was still worried that Luo Yanxiao was hungry and would not eat.

Luo Yanxiao's mouth twitched, and there was a feeling of concern, which was very warm and different from the care of others.

At that moment, he could also see Liu Ningning's worried expression.

Luo Yanxiao ordered two things for Liu Ningning to eat together.

Liu Ningning does not eat, Luo Yanxiao does not eat.

Liu Ningning had no choice but to eat.

Luo Yanxiao felt that Liu Ningning was too thin, let her eat more.

And Luo Yanxiao is also very decent, and the dishes ordered are all kinds of collocations, so that Liu Ningning can also eat more.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning on the opposite side and found that with her beside him, he also had a lot of appetite for eating.

The two simply spoke. Liu Ningning was a bit restrained at first, but later relaxed.

This is not the first time she and Luo Yanxiao have spoken at dinner.

After dinner, Luo Yanxiao sent Liu Ningning back.

On the road, there are couples holding hands and walking together.

Liu Ningning felt that she had greedy thoughts, and she thought Luo Yanxiao could hold her hand and walk back to the dormitory.

However, this idea was only momentarily suppressed by Liu Ningning.

She did not dare to think, even if she could be friends with Luo Yanxiao, Liu Ningning was happy.

Soon downstairs in the dormitory.

Liu Ningning actually thought that time could be slower, "Thank you for sending me back, and you should go back sooner!"

"Liu Ningning!"

Liu Ningning just turned around and walked into the dormitory building, heard Luo Yanxiao seriously calling her name, she froze, turned around, looked at him with some doubt, "Huh?"

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning deeply, slowing his tone and said: "Liu Ningning, do you have a boyfriend?"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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