Luo Yanxiao thought about it, and then said it.

He feels that after the military training is over, there will be more time for the classmates in the future. At that time, someone will definitely find Liu Ningning's good.

So at this moment, with this idea, he said it.

Of course, he was not nervous before he said it, but he was nervous when he met Liu Ningning’s clear eyes.

In fact, for Luo Yanxiao, which girl he wants to be his girlfriend is actually not difficult.

With his conditions, he grew up and received many love letters.

But he didn't think so much at that time, and he was really tired when dealing with some girls.

But when he came to the university, he met Liu Ningning by chance. He didn't really have these thoughts at first.

He had no such thoughts about Liu Ningning. He talked about time and time again. He was very comfortable in his heart and had a very soft feeling.

The missing heart has a feeling of fulfillment.

Then unconsciously, he might have moved his mind.

Even Luo Yanxiao is arrogant to other girls, with the arrogant atmosphere of the family's children, but to Liu Ningning, he is like Maotou, he has his tension, his impulses, and some inner uneasiness.

Under the eyes of Luo Yanxiao, Liu Ningning really could not think.

She instinctively wanted to nod, and couldn't wait to agree.

But when I thought about it, Luo Yanxiao's condition was so good. He was a child of a wealthy family, and he was also a talented student. He was also so handsome, he was talented, he could sing, he had musical talent...

Looking at herself, Liu Ningning really couldn't find her own merits.

She has a low self-esteem inside.

She didn't even know where Luo Yanxiao was looking at her.

Liu Ningning thought in this way, and there was a light of doubt in his eyes.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's expression and smiled bitterly.

Did she scare her?

Perhaps, Liu Ningning just regarded him as a friend and never thought about it elsewhere.

Liu Ningning felt inferior, but he did not know that he was also nervous here in Luo Yanxiao.

In fact, in front of the person you like, you will feel that the other person is very good.

An inferiority complex, a nervous one, the atmosphere is subtle.

Liu Ningning took a deep breath and said, "Why?"

"what why?"

Liu Ningning lowered his head and said, "There are so many girls who like you, you are so good, why do you want me to be a girlfriend?"

"I don't know. I think you are better than other girls. I'm serious."


Luo Yanxiao is really afraid of Liu Ningning's rejection. If he is someone else, he is not worried, but this person is Liu Ningning, he is really afraid of being rejected, afraid of hearing the words of rejection from Liu Ningning's mouth.

So he hurriedly interrupted Liu Ningning's words and said: "You can answer me without rush, you go back and think about it."

Liu Ningning nodded. "Then... I'll go back to the dormitory building."


Luo Yanxiao's words were reluctant.

Liu Ningning walked up the stairs and entered the dormitory building. She hesitated and turned around to look back.

When she turned her head to look around this time, she found Luo Yanxiao standing on the spot, her eyes brightly looking at her.

Seeing her turn to look at him, he smiled happily and then waved at her.

Liu Ningning couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help being happy like this.

She also waved with Luo Yanxiao, and then returned to the dormitory.

She could feel Luo Yanxiao's change.

At the time of dinner, Luo Yanxiao took her back to the dormitory building, and before she walked in, he turned around without hesitation. This time, he was standing under the dormitory building and kept looking at her.

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