Liu Ningning trot all the way from the stairs back to the dormitory.

When she returned to the dormitory, her heart was still beating fast.

She didn't know whether it was because she ran too fast, or because of Luo Yanxiao's words, her heart was beating very fast now.

Liu Ningning sat down on the chair, covering his heart with his hand, his face red, but his eyes bright and amazing.

She felt her heart never beat so fast.

Even in the college entrance examination, even in the grades, she knew that when she entered the t test, she did not have a heartbeat so fast.

Liu Ningning sat blankly in the chair for a long time, and his mind kept flashing just like Luo Yanxiao.

The words he just said kept flashing.

She kept making sure in her heart that he wanted her to be a girlfriend?

Her eyes were slightly blurred, and she felt that Luo Yanxiao at that moment was particularly charming, very handsome, and her smile was so brilliant.

She never thought about it, Luo Yanxiao would confess to her.

She felt a bit hot in her face, and she couldn't help but reach out and touch her face.

Then she looked at herself in the mirror, her cheeks were reddish, her eyes were sentimental. She had never seen her like this before.

She knew that she was happy.

Happy because of Luo Yanxiao.

The confession of the person you like is really a very exciting feeling.

Liu Ningning was still in a daze, her phone rang.

Since Liu Ningning used a miscellaneous cell phone, the cell phone has barely moved or rang.

So suddenly, with such a voice, Liu Ningning didn't think much, thinking it might be an advertisement.

No one called or texted her on weekdays.

But she took out her mobile phone and looked at it. She pressed the asterisk button and unlocked it, and there was a text message.

She clicked on the text message and saw Luo Yanxiao's name. Her hands trembled and her heart burst out.

She lightly pressed the OK button, and the content of the message came out.

"I'm back in the dormitory. When will you get up tomorrow? I'll go to you downstairs to find you. Let's go to dinner together."

At this moment, Liu Ningning was particularly happy, and happy tears came out.

The eyes are sour.

She sat down slowly and wiped the tears around her eyes gently.

She can feel the ups and downs of her mood.

She could feel her heart warm, and suddenly felt that in such a strange place, in this university, she could rely on it.

She feels that she studies so hard, others play, she is studying, even if it is sleep time, she has to save time to study.

At this moment, she felt that the efforts she had made were rewarding.

It turns out that she can also meet people she likes, and there can be such excellent people like her.

Liu Ningning held the phone tightly and put it in his heart.

She took a deep breath, and then thought to send a message to Luo Yanxiao.

Liu Ningning was awkward when editing text messages because he didn’t use his phone much on weekdays.

It took her a while to edit a text message.

As everyone knows, when she edited the text message, Luo Yanxiao was anxiously waiting there.

He was afraid that Liu Ningning would ignore him after returning to the dormitory.

He was afraid that he would scare Liu Ningning himself.

At this time, he was worried, maybe he could not confirm Liu Ningning's attitude until he received Liu Ningning's text message.

After a while, the phone rang, the text message came back, and Luo Yanxiao quickly looked at it, "Well, I will go to the library to study in the morning and eat at 7:30, it doesn't matter, you don't have to wait for me to eat."

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