Liu Ningning shook his head and said: "No one abuses me."

While talking, Liu Ningning's heart almost jumped several times.

She didn't want to tell Luo Yanxiao that she was afraid of losing.

Luo Yanxiao is a child of the family, would you mind if they knew their family was really poor?

It was really happy to be with Luo Yanxiao, and she fell asleep in the middle of the night last night.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's stiff look and didn't know how to speak.

The atmosphere is a little awkward.

Luo Yanxiao hesitated and said in a low voice: "Your home...Do you work hard at home?"

Liu Ningning heard Luo Yanxiao's voice and could not distinguish Luo Yanxiao's emotions. Does he... do he mind?

No one knew that Liu Ningning was afraid.

She likes Luo Yanxiao. She didn't dare to think too much or dare to think.

If you haven’t thought about it for a long time, using friends, Liu Ningning may one day tell the real situation at home to Luo Yanxiao.

But last night Luo Yanxiao broke that relationship and gave her hope to let her know that Luo Yanxiao also liked her.

Although she didn't say yes, she was very happy.

Although she slept late last night, she also got excited early in the morning.

She knew her own feelings in her heart. She thought of seeing Luo Yanxiao, and she had a very anticipated feeling and was very excited.

But unexpectedly, her hand exposed her.

However, some things can't be kept for too long.

And she still has to apply for poor students in school, some information is to be obtained.

Liu Ningning took a deep breath, with a bitter arc on the corner of his mouth, "My family is very poor, it is the kind of country, I have a younger brother and sister, and I come to T to rely on scholarships. I don’t go home, I also want to be able to You may not understand the travel expenses, but I..."

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's expression, listening to her words, suddenly felt distressed.

He thought he was in a relationship and didn't think much about it.

But at this time, he realized that he could not hurt Liu Ningning.

Even if he and Liu Ningning fall in love, it can't be the way to play, he needs a serious attitude.

He realized that Liu Ningning was different from other girls.

"Ning Ning, you are you, people's origin, people's parents can't choose, you don't have to think so much, you don't have to tell me so much, you can't regret it if you promise me."

Luo Yanxiao said the next sentence deliberately in a relaxed tone.

Liu Ningning's spirit was tense and a little uncomfortable, but after listening to Luo Yanxiao's words, her heart jumped.

She looked up at Luo Yanxiao and looked at him with puzzled eyes, as if wondering, why didn't he mind?

Luo Yanxiao seems to know the doubts in her heart through Liu Ningning's eyes, he said: "If I really value money so much, I'll find a girl from a rich family and fall in love, Ning Ning, I like you Yes, you have to believe that I am sincere."

In fact, after Liu Ningning said that, Luo Yanxiao was more serious.

Liu Ningning smiled at Shang Luo Yanxiao's serious look.

It seemed that a rock pressed against my heart suddenly disappeared.

Seeing Liu Ningning smile, Luo Yanxiao also breathed a sigh of relief, "I can afford you and raise you fat, but can't be so thin, it makes people feel sad."

When Liu Ningning heard this sentence, his heart was throbbing as if he had relied on it all at once. It was a sense of relaxation in his heart.

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