Although Liu Ningning felt throbbing in his heart, his heart was beating very fast. When he looked at Luo Yanxiao, his eyes were soft and soft.

But she knew clearly in her heart that these words would be good to listen to, but don't take them seriously.

She can't think of relying on others, she still has to rely on herself.

Because only by becoming good enough, she can let Luo Yanxiao always see her good.

She has no other capital support, she can only rely on hard work to support.

She knew that she was not a stunning person, but she also wanted to be a wise person.

Only in this way will Luo Yanxiao always appreciate it!

But I understand that she will still be excited by Luo Yanxiao's words.

It feels so strong all the time, a string is always tight, and suddenly I feel like I can rely on it and can relax.

There is a sense of spiritual relaxation.

She knew that she would not be alone in the future, and Luo Yanxiao was beside her.

It is a spiritual sense of relaxation, she is very grateful to Luo Yanxiao.

Liu Ningning smiled brilliantly and said to Luo Yanxiao seriously: "Luo Yanxiao, thank you."

"You are my girlfriend, and I can't say thank you to me in the future. It's too polite, and you can't call me by name."

Liu Ningning blinked, can't he be named by name?


Luo Yanxiao heard Liu Ningning shouting these two words. He felt a kind and gentle feeling, and his heart was a lot easier.

He never thought his voice was so nice.

Shout out from Liu Ningning's mouth, soft and gentle, listening, it seems like people are floating in the clouds.

"Well, that's how it's called."

Liu Ningning gently read the words Yan Xiao in his heart, and he felt that flowers could bloom in the bottom of his heart.

Thinking this way, she felt very happy herself.

It turned out that it was such a feeling, very comfortable.

Luo Yanxiao and Liu Ningning looked at each other in this way, and there was light shining in each other's eyes.

Both of them can see their reflection in the eyes of each other.

Luo Yanxiao first recovered, and gave Liu Ningning a piece of meat: "Hurry to eat, and if you don't eat, it will be cold. After eating, I will drive you and your roommate to the mall, so don't worry."

Liu Ningning hurriedly shook his head and said: "You don't need to send us, it's relatively close. Lingxi and I can go there while walking, and just exercise."

"Then when will you come back at night? I will drive to pick you up."

Liu Ningning also wanted to shake his head to say something. This time, Luo Yanxiao interrupted her directly and said, "I am your boyfriend. If you come back so late, I will definitely be worried. I can not send it in the morning, but at night I'm going to pick you up."

Luo Yanxiao was still overbearing in his bones.

Of course, he feels that Liu Ningning, as his girlfriend, is also obliged to pick her up and ensure her safety.

He also has a car in the school parking lot.

The Luo family is also a family clan. There are many luxury cars in his family. He also drives a car to the school for convenience.

At this time, he felt that the car could work, and Liu Ningning would drive in the future.

Although Liu Ningning said so, he didn't want to trouble Luo Yanxiao.

But the feeling of someone picking up is actually different.

At night, even at close distances, the two girls would be afraid if they walked at night.

She didn't know if Lingxi would be afraid.

After breakfast, Liu Ningning went to the library.

At eight o'clock, she went to the mall with Zi Lingxi.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Luo Yanxiao drove to the mall and went upstairs to find Liu Ningning.

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