When Liu Ningning saw this text message, it was really confusing at first.

When she came back to react, there was really an urge to cry.

No one has treated her so well and cared about her so much.

On a rainy day, he even came over to deliver food to her.

She didn't know what to say.

Liu Ningning sucked his nose, wiped his nose with paper, and then got up quickly, changed his clothes, and hurried out to go downstairs.

Liu Ningning almost went downstairs with the fastest speed.

The rain outside continued, and the dormitory downstairs was cold and cold.

Because of the rain, it is now seven, and no one comes in or out.

On a rainy day, everyone actually thinks that they can sleep more and sleep more.

And it's still a holiday, and it's very comfortable to be able to sleep.

Because boys can't enter the girls' dormitory, not even in the lobby.

So Luo Yanxiao was standing at the door of the dormitory. He was wearing a raincoat and carrying two bags in his hand. It seemed that it was breakfast.

When he saw Liu Ningning, his eyes lit up, he took off his hat and smiled at Liu Ningning.

Liu Ningning ran quickly.

Luo Yanxiao couldn't help but remind: "Be careful, there is water in the hall too, don't slip."

Listening to Luo Yanxiao's voice, Liu Ningning knew that he was concerned about herself, and her heart was warm.

Even if it rains outside, cold wind blows in, leaving Liu Ningning a little cold.

But she didn't feel cold in her heart, she felt warm in her heart.

She has never been so cared for.

Luo Yanxiao gave too much concern, and she really couldn't hold back for a while.

Liu Ningning hurried to Luo Yanxiao. She wanted to talk, but she didn't know what to say.

If you want to say something you care about, you don’t know what to say.

She actually wanted to say that he didn't have to send breakfast, but she was afraid of speaking badly, and her tone was cold, making Luo Yanxiao uncomfortable.

Luo Yanxiao saw Liu Ningning's clothes up close, "It's raining, the weather is getting colder. You can't wear so little in the future, wear more, or you won't catch a cold."

With that, Luo Yanxiao gently rubbed her hair with her hand.

The movement is very light, with a feeling of compassion, "Are you still going to work part-time today?"

Liu Ningning nodded, "Well, go, go to work at 9:30 in the morning."

Although Luo Yanxiao was distressed about Liu Ningning and did not want Liu Ningning to continue, Liu Ningning insisted that he would not say anything.

Luo Yanxiao handed the breakfast in his hand to Liu Ningning, "After breakfast, I was in the dormitory. When 8:45, I drove to pick you up, you and your roommate, so you don’t have to go out. Don’t worry about it on rainy days..."

Luo Yanxiao thought of everything for Liu Ningning.

He knew that Liu Ningning had suffered a lot before, and he did not want Liu Ningning to suffer anymore.

Liu Ningning listened, and couldn't help it anymore, so there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning and started crying. "Ning Ning, don't cry. Am I wrong?"

Liu Ningning wiped his tears with the back of his hand. "No, I just think you are really kind to me."

She was moved and could not help crying, "No one has treated me like this before."

Luo Yanxiao listened, and his heart was sore.

He felt that he never knew what it was like to feel distressed.

He used to be self-centered before.

But Liu Ningning really made him want to treat her seriously.

She is really distressing, "Don't cry, I will treat you well in the future, you are my girlfriend, I am not good to you and good to anyone!"

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