Luo Yanxiao always couldn't help but whispered to Liu Ningning. He was afraid that speaking loudly would scare Liu Ningning.

Luo Yanxiao felt that when treating Liu Ningning, he just wanted to take care of him.

Liu Ningning apologized: "I'm sorry, I don't want to cry."

She used to go to school and never cried when it was the most uncomfortable.

When the pressure is hard to breathe, she will also try to cheer herself up to ease her pressure.

Even if it is really sad, she will cry under the blanket.

After crying, she will continue to work hard.

This is also the first time she couldn't help crying outside.

Perhaps it was because Luo Yanxiao was kind to her, perhaps she knew that she and Luo Yanxiao were male and female friends, and she was someone she could rely on, so she released her fragile emotions in front of him without any suppression or concealment.

After an instant, Liu Ningning also realized that her emotions were out of control, and she took a deep breath to suppress her emotions.

Luo Yanxiao said: "Don't tell me sorry, I want to cry in the future, don't hold it down, you can do anything in front of me."

He will tolerate her.

Liu Ningning took a deep breath, plucked up his courage, and then took a step forward, reaching out and gently hugging Luo Yanxiao.

He did not let her say thank you, she did not know how to express her emotions that moved her.

She can only hug this way.

Luo Yanxiao stiffened and looked down at Liu Ningning in surprise.

He knew Liu Ningning's character, she would take the initiative to hug him.

Before waiting for Luo Yanxiao to recover, Liu Ningning had withdrawn from his arms.

Luo Yanxiao's expression softened a lot, and the corner of his mouth could not help rising.

He really wanted to hug Liu Ningning more.

But this time, he found that Liu Ningning's clothes were covered with water, the rain on his raincoat.

He could only suppress the emotion that had just risen, and was not in a hurry to hug it later.

Luo Yanxiao handed breakfast to Liu Ningning, "Go back to dinner, or it will be cold, and buy it for your roommate."

Liu Ningning found that she was moved again.

He is really attentive.

Liu Ningning took the bag, and then looked at Luo Yanxiao, her eyes were reluctant.

Luo Yanxiao can understand Liu Ningning's eyes naturally, "Go in, you wear so little, it's cold outside, and I'll see you in a moment."

At nine o'clock, he came to pick her up to the mall.

So I will see you soon.

Liu Ningning couldn't help but want to say thank you, but Luo Yanxiao had said it before, so she wasn't allowed to say thank you.

In this way, Liu Ningning walked towards the dormitory building step by step in the eyes of Luo Yanxiao.

When he returned to the dormitory, Liu Ningning realized that it was really cold outside.

At this time, Zi Lingxi also woke up. She saw Liu Ningning coming back with something in her hand. She was confused. "It's raining outside. Are you out?"

"Lingxi, are you awake? This is the breakfast from Luo Yanxiao. We will serve each one."

Zi Lingxi sat up from the bed at once, "Luo Yanxiao, okay!"

Zi Lingxi said, and all laughed, "Ning Ning, he was really attentive to you. It was raining and he really didn't want to go out. He even came to breakfast very carefully. It’s very far away. He has to go to the cafeteria to eat, and then send it over. He will go back to the boys’ dormitory.

Listening to Zi Lingxi's words, Liu Ningning couldn't help but distress Luo Yanxiao.

She started thinking of Luo Yanxiao.

Liu Ningning could feel that she unconsciously began to rely on Luo Yanxiao, which was a kind of spiritual dependence.

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