Nan Jiateng raised a slight arc at the corner of his mouth, then shook his head.

This girl is real and fake, and she really can't see if she is sincere.

She didn't know which words she said seriously.

But Nan Jiateng didn't bother about this, and she didn't bother to watch her enjoyment.

Cha Qingluo was eating, and did not notice the change in Nan Jiateng's expression.

In fact, it was also because Nan Jiateng didn't even let her hug, so she felt that she said that other Nan Jiateng was also cold.

So she thought it might be better to eat something.

Besides, if there is a serious answer to Nan Jiateng, with the cold personality of Nan Jiateng, there is no need to talk between them.

Cha Qingluo is actually smart. When she gets along with Nan Jiateng, try to be happier, so that she feels the atmosphere will be better.

If you are too serious, just like the picnic, if Yang Manqin is not here, she will be entangled to death herself, and she will fall into an awkward atmosphere.

So she strives to make herself happy, and does not struggle with complex issues and things.

She wanted to get closer to Nan Jiateng, so she tried to get closer.

She missed him and went back to school early, and then came to see him soon.

This will get along with him alone, and she feels good too.

Although Cha Qingluo eats jelly, she also eats it slowly, thinking of a reason to stay here for a while.

Even if she didn't speak so quietly, she could see Nan Jiateng as soon as she looked up.

Cha Qingluo also tried to find a topic and said, "Nan Jiateng, will you be busy this afternoon?"

"Well, it's a bit busy. There are still many things to do in the afternoon."

It is also true that Nan Jiateng said this. He came to the school early. There are still some things in his family that have not been dealt with properly. He will have a video conference in the afternoon.

What Nan Jiateng said is indeed true, but listening to the ears of Cha Qingluo, it feels cold and clear.

She couldn't feel his enthusiasm.

Cha Qingluo thought, did she bother him?

She actually has her own dignity.

Cha Qingluo ate the jelly quickly, and then said: "Nan Jiateng, thank you for your gift, then I will go back first. You must do your business first!"

Nan Jiateng wanted to say something, his lips moved, but he still didn't say, "I'll take you downstairs."


She wanted to spend more time with Nan Jiateng.

Nan Jiateng sent the tea to the dormitory downstairs, and then told her a few words.

Cha Qingluo left reluctantly.

However, when Nan Jiateng sent the tea down to the downstairs, there were also a few boys who saw it, but boys were not as gossip as girls, and discussed at most one or two sentences.

They are just weird. Nan Jiateng, who had not been close to women before, turned out to like this type, violent women!

Because of the video posted before, everyone thinks that this girl, Cha Qingluo, can fight, is a bit violent, and not very ladylike.

Nan Jiateng's character is more casual, and he will not deliberately explain things to strangers.

He knows how to pour tea, and it doesn't have to be known to others.

When Cha Qingluo walked back to the girls' dormitory, she was not very comfortable.

She wanted Nan Jiateng to send her back to the girls' dormitory.

But tangled to tangled, she also understands Nan Jiateng.

He seemed really busy.

Seeing the paintbrush in her hand, Cha Qingluo's mood brightened.

After all, Nan Jiateng remembers to bring her gifts, which is not bad.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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