This set of brushes is too precious for Cha Qingluo, which is actually reluctant to use.

She felt that she wanted to cherish it as a gift.

When it's okay, take it out and see.

But back to school, Cha Qingluo was actually quite happy.

Because she felt that she was very close to Nan Jiateng at school, and she could see him when she wanted to see him.

In the afternoon, Cha Qingluo was a little bored, and she didn't want to read.

She looked at the time and waited for more than six o'clock before Zi Lingxi and Liu Ningning could come back, and then they went to dinner together.

However, there were still three or four hours before Cha Qingluo took out her mobile phone to read the novel.

She found that when she was on holiday, she was lying in the dormitory and relaxed reading novels. She was really happy.

When reading novels, immersed in the world of novels, you can forget all your worries, and the whole person is very relaxed.

Soon, the afternoon passed.

Zi Lingxi and Liu Ningning are also back.

Coupled with the promotion, these two people each made more than a thousand.

From morning to night, this intensity, if it continues, is also very tiring. Fortunately, these days.

Liu Ningning is really happy, she can make money.

But Liu Ningning is not that stingy.

In the evening, she wanted to invite Zi Lingxi to eat with Cha Qingluo.

The three discussed and decided to go to the buffet.

All three are in a good mood, especially Liu Ningning, she is really happy.

Tea poured three glasses of beer to celebrate a toast.

Mainly to celebrate Liu Ningning's falling in love.

They felt that as good friends, they should have a toast with Liu Ningning.

Liu Ningning had never drunk, but she did not want to make Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi unhappy, so she drank in.

But she never drank, and after a drink, she was really dizzy.

Her face was red.

"Me, you..."

Liu Ningning felt dark and dizzy.

Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi realized that something was wrong, "Ning Ning, shouldn't you be drunk?"

"You can't drink a glass of wine..."

Liu Ningning didn't speak, she was dizzy, her head turned, she suddenly wanted to sleep.

Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi felt that they could no longer eat, and they had to send Liu Ningning back.

At this time, Liu Ningning's cell phone also rang and kept ringing.

Cha Qingluo looked at Luo Yanxiao and picked it up. "Hey, you are looking for Liu Ningning. She is a little drunk now, so she can't answer the phone."

While saying this, Cha Qingluo looked at Liu Ningning, and there was a dim sum.

As soon as Luo Yanxiao heard it, he became worried and said something, let them wait, and he hung up the phone.

Cha Qingluo hasn't had time to say anything else.

Soon, Luo Yanxiao arrived.

Luo Yanxiao was wearing a trench coat and hurried over, still breathless.

He looked at the drunk Liu Ningning, not worried.

He picked up Liu Ningning all at once and went out.

Although Luo Yanxiao was in a hurry, when he was carrying Liu Ningning, his movements were very light.

Cha Qingluo looked at this scene and was actually envious. She also wanted Nan Jiateng to treat her tenderly and to care about her.

But thinking of the cold Nanjia Teng, Cha Qingluo could only sigh.

Zi Lingxi and Cha Qingluo followed Luo Yanxiao back.

The place to eat is very close to the school, walking, just a few minutes.

But at this time Luo Yanxiao carried Liu Ningning forward.

He was really worried about Liu Ningning. He had to carry Liu Ningning to the medical office for an examination.

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