The train ticket bought by Zi Lingxi was very fast. It took more than two hours to drive to the town and transferred to the village entrance.

After getting off the car, Zi Lingxi looked at the whole village, and a lot of memories about the childhood came to mind.

There is a street at the entrance of the village. When she was a child, she would follow her grandmother to come here to gather.

She still remembers her grandmother's staggering figure.

At this moment, Zi Lingxi finally couldn't help crying. When she realized that her vision was blurred, she had tears all over her face.

Zi Lingxi wiped her tears, then carried her schoolbag and walked in with her luggage. At the east end of the village, there was a three-room place where she lived with her grandmother when she was a child.

It was still afternoon. There were also many people in the village. Three or two old people sitting on the stone benches under the trees talking.

When I saw Zi Lingxi, many people didn't recognize it, but thought they were relatives.

When Zi Lingxi was familiar with the door and opened the door of the old house, someone recognized it.

"Then... Could it be the granddaughter of the sister Wang's family who was gone?"

Some old people looked at it and said suspiciously.

"It's also a poor child. When Sister Wang died at the time, she was left alone. I heard that it was adopted, and it was considered to be alive."


Zi Lingxi has not returned to the village for more than ten years. Everyone does not recognize her as normal.

She took the key to open the door, saw the familiar place, and couldn't help crying again.

She wiped her tears.

Nothing has changed in my hometown. There is still a big apricot tree in the yard, but there is grass growing in the yard.

Zi Lingxi put things down and began to pick up the weeds.

After she had finished packing, she drew water in the well and wrote her face, then went into the house and took out the quilt and mattress to dry it, and opened the windows to ventilate.

Sitting in the yard, Zi Lingxi looked up at the sky and felt that the sky was blue.

In the evening, Zi Lingxi ate a snack she brought, covered her quilt, and slept a good night.

When I woke up the next day, the sun shone on the Kang through the window, and there were birds singing outside.

She opened a little window, and a cool wind blew in, with a little moisture, so fresh, and the air smelled so good.

By the window, you can still see the blue sky.

Zi Lingxi felt a good sleep and was in a good mood.

She stretched her waist and got up. She cleaned the house again and fetched water from the well water in the yard. The water just got out in the morning was still warm.

After she washes well, it is already past seven o'clock in the morning. She remembers that in the morning, there will be a small market, and the old man will sell things on the street in front.

Zi Lingxi carried the basket and walked in the market, all of them trance back to the same as when he was a child.

The old man sat there with a bench, and there were baskets in front with eggs, duck eggs, and some vegetables, all of which were eggs laid by their own normal chickens and ducks, all of which were pure green. These chickens and ducks are all They are fed with whole grains and have not beaten hormones.

There are also some vegetables that they grow in the vegetable garden.

Zi Lingxi remembers that when she was young, her grandmother would sell something here.

She will follow her grandmother, squatting and watching.

Zi Lingxi's eyes were wet, but she quickly stabilized her mood, bought a few vegetables and eggs, and went to the noodle shop to buy some noodles.

When she returned home, she took some firewood in the yard and cooked it at the stove.

When preparing to cook, Zi Lingxi suddenly looked, she suddenly wanted to record it with video.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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