In fact, Zi Lingxi's grandmother is very skilled. She uses simple noodles to make all kinds of pasta, and she also makes delicious dishes.

At that time, my grandmother was very economical, but she also tried to make her eat well.

Grandma can always make the most delicious dishes with the simplest ingredients.

Zi Lingxi missed her grandmother so she wanted to record it in this way to miss her grandmother.

In the morning, Zi Lingxi made a pancake with noodles. The sugar in it was steamed with custard.

In the morning she made a noodle so that she could make some pasta in the afternoon.

At noon, she steamed rice, made rice bowls, and cooked rice with many pure green vegetables and rice.

In the afternoon, she made some peach crisps, picked some things on the trees in the mountains, made peach crisps, and made some small animal-like pastries.

After making a lot of pastries, she is ready to take back to school.

Zi Lingxi was busy all day, but she felt very happy.

Seems to miss grandma in this way.

The dishes she cooked were all made by her grandmother.

Zi Lingxi looked at the video she recorded, and she cut it and posted it on Weibo with her mobile phone.

With text.

She commemorates her grandmother in this way.

This is a careful matter belonging to her alone.

When I woke up in the morning after sleeping, Zi Lingxi did not expect more than ten people following her on Weibo, and some people left a message for her.

She has a novel feeling.

Zi Lingxi is actually a lonely person in her heart. She is only surrounded by a girlfriend like Cha Qingluo. Now she has a friend like Liu Ningning because she has gone to university. repair.

In fact, she felt she was still duckweed.

But when I received a lot of private messages at this time, she was encouraged to say that what she made looks delicious, and she said that she had an appetite when she looked at it.

Suddenly she felt very happy, just as if she was trying to be recognized.

She has a wonderful feeling, as if she can be friends with many people through the Internet.

Zi Lingxi talked to the three girls, and then thought about it and waited for them to go and mailed some of the food they made to them.

Encouraged, Zi Lingxi went to the mountains to pick some leaves in the morning and used the leaves to make rice cakes.

When I went up the mountain, I looked back from the fields in the mountains. Many people in the countryside were cooking, and every household raised smoke.

This kind of scenery can't be seen in the imperial metropolis.

Zi Lingxi felt a very relaxed feeling, and she also recorded such a scene.

In the afternoon, some people followed her.

Some people also left a message for her, seeing the videos she recorded, and some views of the mountains. They felt as if they had entered a green pasture, and they felt a sense of relaxation.

At noon and in the evening, Zi Lingxi continued to be busy cooking. Although she was still cooking by herself, she did not feel lonely, because many people paid attention to her, gave her a message, encouraged her, and told her some thoughts. words.

She was so happy that she seemed to have forgotten t big, forgotten her brother, and forgotten everyone.

She was immersed in the interaction with everyone, as if she had returned to childhood, when her grandmother was by her side.

While sitting at the table, she was on fire and looking at the flames in the stove, she also remembered many interesting things from her childhood.

In the past two days, Zi Lingxi felt a little unhappy.

On Sunday morning, when Zi Lingxi went back to picking things on the mountain, he saw Chen Liuchuan on the way back.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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