Zi Lingxi sucked his nose and controlled his emotions.

She was still very happy to hear this from her brother.

She looked up at Huang Luoxiu and said in a coquettish tone: "Brother will treat me well in the future."

"Okay, what you want, my brother will give you."

Zi Lingxi couldn't help raising her lips, "I want my brother."

Huang Luoxiu looked down at Zi Lingxi deeply, and his eyes were a little deep, but also with strong emotions, like a vortex, he must be involved in Zi Lingxi, "Brother is Lingxi."

Huang Luoxiu's own words said that Zi Lingxi was suddenly in his heart.

Huang Luoxiu had never said this to her before, so when she heard these words from Huang Luoxiu, her heart was touched.

Zi Lingxi used to feel so depressed, but now how excited she is.

She is really excited when the person she likes cares, and she can't describe the feeling in her heart.

She couldn't control her eyes and wept.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi's tears, and his heart hurt immediately.

He reached out and gently wiped her tears, "How cried so well."

Zi Lingxi pouted: "I couldn't help crying because I was happy."

She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't control her emotions, and she burst into tears.

No one knows that she loved her brother secretly before, daring not to reveal, hiding inferiority, and carefully inquired about his news, thinking about how it felt to see him more.

Now, my elder brother finally responded to her and told her such pleasant words.

Huang Luoxiu listened, distressed and blamed himself.

Huang Luoxiu said softly: "It used to be bad brother."

He sighed in his heart. Before, he just didn't expect to be emotional with this girl, and once emotional, his possessiveness came and could not control it.

He now remembers how his father and mother usually get along.

Sometimes the mother will cry, and the father will always be distressed.

Women are really made of water.

Huang Luoxiu coaxed in a low voice: "Don't cry, okay?"

Huang Luoxiu wouldn't coax people. When he met Zi Lingxi, he also learned to coax her awkwardly.

Zi Lingxi looked up at Huang Luoxiu, and naturally met his distressed eyes.

The distress in his eyes was so obvious that his emotions were not concealed.

Zi Lingxi looked at Huang Luoxiu's eyes, and also stunned.

Her heart throbbed fiercely, it turned out to be such a feeling.

Zi Lingxi looked at Huang Luoxiu like this, and seemed to have forgotten his reaction to his eyes.

Huang Luoxiu was originally distressed and blaming himself, but at this time, when he saw Zi Lingxi being so dumb and cute, Huang Luoxiu was very moved.

He couldn't help but bow his head and kissed Zi Lingxi's lips.

Huang Luoxiu originally wanted to kiss gently, but when he touched the lips of Zi Lingxi, Huang Luoxiu's heart shivered fiercely. He found that she was so delicious that he couldn't help but want to go deeper. Dig in again.

Huang Luoxiu's eyes dimmed and kissed deeply. Between his lips and teeth, he captured Zi Lingxi's breath.

Zi Lingxi was swallowed to breathe and felt Huang Luoxiu's breath, because of the deep love, the heart trembled fiercely.


She was completely ashamed, her brain blank.

The only reason tells her that this is the gate of the school.

And just looking around, this... her face instantly turned red.

She wanted to breathe and say something, but Huang Luoxiu clasped her head and did not give her a chance to speak at all.

His kiss was too deep and invested emotion, and she unknowingly immersed in it.

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