Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 5635: Control in the palm of your hand

Zi Lingxi's kissed eyes were shining brightly, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi, his eyes deep and deep like the sea, locking Zi Lingxi's eyes, so that her heart and soul seemed to drown in his deep and burning eyes.

Zi Lingxi was in a trance, her heart trembling, and her body softened into water.

She was surrounded by Huang Luoxiu's strong breath, and she wanted to devour her breath.

So elegant and good-smelling, she was involuntarily immersed in it and could not resist.

This is the smell of her craving, the smell of craving.

Huang Luoxiu's eyes grew deeper, and the hand that held Zi Lingxi's head back pressed slightly, pressing her against herself.

He looked at her eyes full of water, and he was very happy.

That's it, she belongs to him, and only him in sight.

Huang Luoxiu knew that he would lose control if he kissed it again.

He now wants to pull her into the car and handle her.

But he still controlled it.

Moreover, it is now in front of the school, many people watched, he did not want people to talk about her casually.

But there are also many people watching around this time.

Huang Luoxiu is so handsome and cool, and there are still luxury cars next to him, and Zi Lingxi is so soft and beautiful, everyone can't help looking here, and they all feel pleasing.

"Aren't you filming TV? It's so beautiful. It looks like watching an idol drama."

"The beauty of men and women is really the same as watching TV shows."

"Don't look at the low-key car, it is actually very luxurious and expensive, and there are the man, the watch on his hand, and if he knows the goods, he knows the value. This girl is not Zi Lingxi? Is it quite famous before, It’s just a post..."

"Ao'ao, I used to think she had a backstage, but now it really looks like there is a backstage, should it be her boyfriend?"

"It must be a boyfriend, otherwise it will not be so blatant, and at first glance, the man is very concerned about the appearance of Zi Lingxi, it should not be fun."


While everyone was discussing, Huang Luoxiu smiled softly while holding Zi Lingxi.

He found it so satisfying to kiss her now.

Looking at her bleak look, the blood in his body boiled up, making him feel like he was really a normal person, with desire.

When Zi Lingxi heard Huang Luoxiu's brisk laugh, his face was red, and he couldn't help arching into Huang Luoxiu's arms, and wanted to be buried in his arms.

Huang Luoxiu touched Zi Lingxi's hair and said, "Good boy, let's go to the campus and take me around!"

When Huang Luoxiu said this, his eyes flashed in a faint light.

He came to declare his sovereignty. He wanted Zi Lingxi to take him around in the school. He also told everyone that Zi Lingxi had a famous flower.

Huang Luoxiu's thoughts would not tell Zi Lingxi.

Zi Lingxi didn't think much, just thought that Huang Luoxiu wanted to take a look at the school.

She nodded, "Well, okay."

With that said, she came out of Zi Lingxi's arms and was going to take Huang Luoxiu around the campus.

As soon as Huang Luoxiu took Zi Lingxi's hand, he held the hand and went inside.

Huang Luoxiu looked down at the hands that the two were holding, and his eyes flashed.

Now that he is emotional, he will firmly control the girl in the palm of her hand.

When Huang Luoxiu and Zi Lingxi walked to the campus, they were full of aura.

Zi Lingxi jumped around Huang Luoxiu, very cheerful, beautiful and lovely.

Everyone looked at the two of them, and they all had a sense of sight.

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