Hearing Luo Yanxiao's words, Liu Ningning's hand moved, and his hand could not help shaking.

To be honest, Luo Yanxiao is very good to her on weekdays. When talking about love, she even forgot the identity background gap between the two people.

Luo Yanxiao is also a child of the family, but she confessed that she was a girl from the village.

She did not look down on herself, nor look down on herself.

But as soon as he mentioned going to Luo Yanxiao's house, Liu Ningning had to consider some portal opinions.

Luo Yanxiao doesn't care about these, but what about his relatives and his parents?

It's not that the mother-in-laws of some big-name households are not deduced on TV.

Of course, there are also idol dramas, but after all, idol dramas are idol dramas, and she doesn’t understand anything.

She is not naive.

She was afraid that if she was too naive, she might get hurt, so she would rather think more.

This society is still realistic.

And Luo Yanxiao did not know whether he would listen to his parents more.

Thinking of these, Liu Ningning was deeply depressed.

She did not answer.

Luo Yanxiao looked nervous when Liu Ningning didn't say anything. "Ning Ning, I just said, why didn't you answer?"

When Liu Ningning lowered his head, he hid his emotions very well.

When she looked up again, she said: "I think I still want to learn more in school. After all, there are still a lot of homework and some after-school questions. I want to do more and pre-read the homework again."

Liu Ningning thought, what she can't actually change her family background now, she can only rely on herself to learn more.

Because if she can't even stabilize her job after graduation, what is she talking about like Luo Yanxiao?

After all, after graduation, looking for work now, many good jobs are arranged by family members.

She has no relatives, she can only find a job by herself.

Unless she has a good ability, otherwise the employers of enterprises are willing to recruit those with backstage, right?

Although Liu Ningning said nothing on weekdays, everyone looked at her simply, but she actually understood everything in her heart.

Therefore, she was not obsessed with her eyes, even if Luo Yanxiao was very good to her, even if she gradually forgot a lot now, but with just a few words, she could immediately wake up and be rational.

If she is also from a family, has a background, and everything is arranged by her parents, she is not willing to work so hard.

But she does not have these backgrounds, she has to stand up by herself.

To let others respect her and look at herself high, she must have enough abilities.

Although very realistic, Liu Ningning knew.

The relatives in her family look down on their parents, and sometimes they look at their parents with contempt. She has seen that attitude and eyes since childhood.

She also passed the exam, and relatives at home seemed to recognize her parents.

Seeing the proud look of her parents, she felt sour.

Luo Yanxiao did not know Liu Ningning's thoughts. He listened to Liu Ningning's words and knew that she was studying very seriously and did not waste time on weekdays.

He thought for a while and said, "Then, when do you want to go out and play, we will go out and play, and I will take you home."

Liu Ningning didn't want to continue this topic and said: "This dish made in the cafeteria today is very delicious, you try it."

Liu Ningning said, and began to serve vegetables to Luo Yanxiao.

Looking at Liu Ningning's pickled vegetables, Luo Yanxiao was eating, and naturally forgot what he had just thought, and began to be brought to other topics by Liu Ningning.

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