Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's food and quickly put the contents of the plate into Liu Ningning's bowl. "You eat more meat."

Liu Ningning was actually very moved. She could feel that Luo Yanxiao was sincere to her.

She wants to keep this well.

Because no one has ever treated her like this, she has never been taken care of like this.

When she was at home, she was the eldest daughter, and she had something delicious. She always let her brothers and sisters eat first. She always eats less.

Or she said she was not hungry and ate less.

In fact, everyone wants to eat more and eat better.

Because of this, she used to be thinner.

However, she was not wronged, because her parents would rather let them eat without eating.

It’s not that her parents ate it well, so don’t give it to her.

Her parents are not easy, she understands.

But it was because she was ignored that she felt Luo Yanxiao's good at this moment, and she was so moved.

She would also think of treating Luo Yanxiao in the future.

Liu Ningning said, "Luo Yanxiao, you are so good to me now. When I have the ability, I will be kind to you."

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's so serious words and smiled. He was very touched by these words.

But he never asked for these words.

He didn’t care if the people in the cafeteria would come to see him. He reached out to hold Liu Ningning’s hand: “Ningning, you are very kind to me now, and will care about me, so that I can feel warm, both my parents Never cared about me like this."

Liu Ningning noticed that he was uncomfortable and his face was not good.

When he first entered autumn, he had a cold, or Liu Ningning went to the infirmary to buy medicine for him to eat.

He agreed on the spot and forgot to return to the dormitory.

Or Liu Ningning reminded him not to finish his meal, and watched him take the medicine.

It is a medicine for preventing colds, and it really works.

He used to have a cold once when he went into autumn and changed seasons. He had a cold for half a month, coughing and sneezing. It was really annoying.

But now it is prevented in advance. After taking a few days of medicine, it will be fine, and I don't feel uncomfortable with my nose.

His throat is no longer inflamed.

So he just felt warm.

Liu Ningning smiled, "I naturally want to care about you, and if you do, I will also feel bad."

Luo Yanxiao heard this sentence, and his heart missed a beat.

Liu Ningning rarely said such things, so suddenly, Luo Yanxiao was excited and very worried.

It turned out that he was also distressed by others.

In fact, when you fall in love, you are giving each other warmly.

The girls that Luo Yanxiao knew before were all asked for from him blindly. After a long time, he had no idea.

But he and Liu Ningning have been together for a long time, but they are getting more comfortable and warmer.

In fact, Luo Yanxiao did not feel warm at home, knowing that Liu Ningning is good.

Some boys may even eat the arrogant set of some girls.

Therefore, it is also appropriate for Luo Yanxiao and Liu Ningning to attract each other.

Luo Yanxiao listened to this sentence at this moment, and his emotions rose, and he held Liu Ningning's hand for a long while.

Liu Ningning smiled softly at him and said, "Okay, let's eat, or it will be cold in a while."

"Well, you eat more. Let's eat out at night. I want to take you out to eat something delicious."

Why do you have to eat some big meals every once in a while?

Liu Ningning originally thought that eating in the cafeteria was also very good.

But when he looked at Luo Yanxiao's shiny eyes, he nodded.

She couldn't let Luo Yanxiao always follow her habits, she also had to adapt to Luo Yanxiao's habits.

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