Watching Liu Ningning nod, Luo Yanxiao's eyes brightened.

He looked at Liu Ningning and couldn't help reaching out to touch her hair, a gesture of pity.

When Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning, his eyes were all soft.

Liu Ningning looked at Luo Yanxiao's soft eyes, relieved in his heart, and felt a sense of relaxation.

She always puts so much pressure on herself, always too calm and sensible.

But this can't blame her, she will also be afraid.

She also cares about Luo Yanxiao very much, because she cares, so she is afraid, and only when she immerses her heart in this relationship, constantly reminds her that she wants to keep a certain sense.

After all, her family identity is incomparable with Luo Yanxiao.

She knew Luo Yanxiao was sincere to her, but what about her parents? What about his family?

When he thought this way, Liu Ningning's heart suffocated.

Luo Yanxiao was also very attentive at times. He looked at Liu Ningning's expression and was not quite right. He rubbed her hair, put his hand on her face, and asked, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Comfortable, just tired?"

"No, I just think you are very kind to me, I am very touched."

Luo Yanxiao couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence. He was a handsome man with sunshine. When he laughed, the sunshine was more dazzling.

"You are my girlfriend, I naturally want to treat you well, and I think I haven't done enough."

In fact, Luo Yanxiao also had some emotions in his heart. He felt that Liu Ningning was too easy to be satisfied and too contented.

Other girls think that their boyfriends are not doing well, but in Liu Ningning, he is just doing the most common things, and she feels very good.

This made Luo Yanxiao feel guilty.

Liu Ningning smiled and shook his head. For her, Luo Yanxiao was really good to her.

But Liu Ningning did not reveal those small emotions. She was sensitive and delicate. She did not want her emotions to affect Luo Yanxiao's mood.

In the afternoon, Liu Ningning and Luo Yanxiao went to the library to study.

However, in the afternoon, Luo Yanxiao's parents called and said that he was going home and would come to the school to see Luo Yanxiao.

Luo Yanxiao answered the phone in the corridor outside the library. He heard his parents' words and was silent.

From the start of school until now, his parents are busy outside.

This is the first time he has come to see him at school.

Luo Yanxiao looked a little pale.

He glanced at Liu Ningning studying in the library and his eyes flashed.

He actually wanted his parents to see Liu Ningning.

But when he thought of Liu Ningning's family, his face changed when he thought of his parents, and he said, "Mom, I'll go home at night. I haven't been home for a while. I still feel at home."

His parents didn't think much, and they agreed directly, so they didn't have to go to school.

In fact, Luo Yanxiao is from a family, and she doesn't know nothing.

So his parents may have prejudice against Liu Ningning, he also knows.

But he did not know how to explain to his parents, nor how to introduce Liu Ningning to his parents.

I don't know if Liu Ningning would like to see his parents.

Luo Yanxiao knew that Liu Ningning was definitely not a gold worshipper.

Luo Yanxiao thought for a while, sighed, packed his emotions, then returned to the library, sat down again, and whispered to Liu Ningning: "Ning Ning, I'm sorry, I can't eat together at night, my parents come back Yes, I have to go back."

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