Cha Qingluo thought, the light of nostalgia flashed in his mind.

There was a little tear.

No matter how long in the past, she still misses her childhood and is carefree.

At that time, I didn't understand anything, I didn't want to think about anything. At school every day, just like completing tasks, I learned to do homework.

In summer, she will go to the river with her friends to catch fish and shrimp.

Grab it back and Grandma will give her fried food.

That smells delicious.

Now she still misses it. She later ate a lot of fried snacks, but she didn't have the fragrance of her grandma's fried.

It was often heavy rain in the village at that time, and the water in the river was very deep.

Everyone in the village went to the river to do laundry.

When Grandma did not wash her clothes, she played by the river.

She remembered the feeling of water flowing over her legs.

Even in summer, it's cool by the river.

She will also follow the grandpa and grandma to pick vegetables and feed the pigs and chickens.

It was really time to play.

Later, the grandma fed the pigs and bought many books for her.

Grandma fed the chickens and laid the eggs for her.

Those roosters, grandma later killed the chickens to make chicken for her to eat.

At that time, her dad would send money to grandparents when they were outside, but at that time not much.

It was also in later years that her dad's gang developed.

Cha Qingluo sighed, and said with a little emotion: "Ning Ning, if you can go home, go home and take a look. You don't think too much. Really, my relatives are only my dad. As for my mom, I don’t know where she went. I really want grandpa and grandma. If grandpa and grandpa are still there, how far away I would go back every weekend, but now they are gone, and Lingxi and I can become very good friends. In fact, we are sympathetic. She grew up with her grandma when she was a child, but her grandma was gone, she became an orphan, so we all envy you and can go home..."

Cha Qingluo said in a nagging way, saying these things, also wanted to make Liu Ningning not so entangled, people, actually can't think too much, just do whatever you want.

Liu Ningning listened, his eyes trembling, if he understood.

Her character should actually be decisive.

Liu Ningning came to Cha Qingluo and hugged her, "Qingluo, thank you."

Since going to university, she has always taught her a lot.

If it weren't for her and Zi Lingxi, she might not be as broad-hearted as she is now, and she could reap the feelings of Luo Yanxiao.

"Why are you so polite, don't be polite, if you have something delicious when you go home, just remember to bring it to us, and I want to eat some souvenirs."

"it is good."

At night, Liu Ningning wanted to concentrate on reading, but he really couldn't see it.

Her heart was beating, and she was thinking about going home on the weekend.

Time passes quickly in college, in addition to classes, it is self-study.

Soon it was Thursday night.

Liu Ningning quickly packed his luggage.

She also went to the supermarket to buy some snacks, prepared to go back to bring her brother and sister.

She also bought two clothes for her parents.

She herself is very economical in school, but when she comes home, she still wants to bring something to her parents.

But she also worried that her parents said she was spending money arbitrarily.

She used the money she earned in part-time shopping in the mall, so her parents should not say anything, and the clothes are not expensive.

Liu Ningning packed everything up and put it in a luggage bag, lying on the bed, thinking that she could go home tomorrow, and she could not sleep because of the tossing and turning.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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