Liu Ningning's mind is full of parents, she really feels that she hasn't seen her parents for a long time.

I used to be homesick in high school and didn’t feel so homesick for a few months, because at that time, she was very close to her home and took more than ten minutes by car. In a small place, the town was close to home.

But now she is really far away from home in a big city, so she is homesick.

I don't know what happened to my parents.

Now autumn is the harvest season!

They should also be quite busy.

But fortunately, the harvest season will make people feel happy.

Liu Ningning fell asleep with a smile.

After falling asleep, she felt very warm in the bed. She dreamed that she was sleeping on the kang at home. It was very warm, and her parents' faces were all smiles.

The next day, Liu Ningning woke up very early.

After waking up, she felt that the whole person was refreshed and her spirit was particularly good.

She looked at the time and it was only half past four.

Although she got up so early, she was not sleepy at all, and the whole person seemed very energetic.

At this time, the library did not open the door, so she took a book to a corner of the corridor.

In this place, she reads a book with a flashlight and recites it for a while.

She felt that when she thought of her parents, the whole person was very energetic, so she wanted to study hard.

It seems like this, in order to be worthy of her parents to pay for her.

Although her parents are farmers, they work diligently and diligently every day, they are not lazy, and they don’t buy clothes for themselves all the year round, they are all worn, they don’t care if others laugh or laugh, they just Save up the money and go to school for her and her siblings.

Perhaps for the people in the city, for those with a good family, going to school is the easiest thing.

But in the village, parents can provide girls with school, which is really a rare thing.

Even some feudalists have strong thoughts, and they will whisper in the ears of her parents, saying that it is useless for girls to go to school.

Her parents smiled and said that no matter whether it is useful or not, they want to let their children go to school and learn a little culture, which is always useful.

She knew from an early age that it was not easy for her to go to school, so she did not dare to study hard.

When she was admitted to the University of T, in fact, the whole village was boiling. Not only was the whole village boiling, everyone in the whole town knew that she was admitted to the highest school in the country. Everyone knows that as long as they can enter the University of T and graduate from the highest school, no matter where they go in the future, there will always be a good job based on the knowledge and ability to learn.

Because the ones cultivated by the highest institutions are really elites.

So the whole village was boiling. Many people who persuaded her parents not to allow girls to go to school changed their attitudes, saying that her parents were thinking, and many girls in the village began to go to school one after another.

She remembered that the day she got the admission letter, she cried.

Because she was in high school for three years, got up early and went to bed late, and worked hard without rest, she was very excited for the admission letter.

In the village, many girls of school age came and happily called her sister and thanked her.

Because of her, their parents are willing to let them go to school.

Hearing what they said, Liu Ningning actually touched her heart unconsciously. She turned out to be a role model.

So she thanked her for her efforts.

So she did not dare to relax, because she shouldered the responsibility, and she wanted to have better development in the future, so that the villagers would have the correct concept, and those girls could also go to school.

At five o'clock, Liu Ningning took a deep breath and took the book to the library.

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