Liu Ningning's schoolbag is really a kind of particularly cheap goods, and the quality is not very good.

At the beginning, because she was admitted to T, her mother bought her a new schoolbag.

Although it is a school bag of more than ten dollars, it is very soil and soil, and the quality is not very good.

But Liu Ningning cherishes this schoolbag very much, because carrying her schoolbag, she can think of her mother.

It seems that she can feel her mother's love, can feel her mother supporting her, watching, she will let her continue to study hard.

Liu Ningning looked at Luo Yanxiao at this moment, and also suddenly recovered, she was going home now.

Liu Ningning thought, his eyes glowed.

Such Liu Ningning, in fact, can emit a kind of light around the body, and the dazzling people can't move their eyes.

Perhaps Xishi was seen in the eyes of a lover. In Luo Yanxiao's eyes, Liu Ningning was really pretty.

"Come on, let's go to your house."

With that said, Luo Yanxiao naturally took Liu Ningning's hand and walked out.

Liu Ningning was dragged out by Luo Yanxiao in a trance like this. After she recovered, the whole person was excited and walked briskly.

Looking at the campus, Liu Ningning felt very beautiful, breathing the air, all felt very fresh, and the blue sky was very blue.

In short, I am in a good mood and look good in everything.

Luo Yanxiao parked the car on the campus, he took Liu Ningning into the car and put things away.

Liu Ningning got in the car and only remembered, "Ah, I forgot, I still have a bag of luggage in the dormitory."

"I'll get it for you."

"Boys can't enter the girls' dormitory, you will wait for me for a while, I'll get them immediately."

She almost forgot.

Luo Yanxiao took Liu Ningning's hand and accompanied her to get it in the dormitory.

Luo Yanxiao worried that things were too heavy, and she would be tired if she took them.

Luo Yanxiao and Liu Ningning came back and put Liu Ningning's luggage in the trunk of the car.

As soon as he opened the trunk, Liu Ningning saw a pile of things in Luo Yanxiao's trunk, and he was stunned. He was a little puzzled, but it was not easy to ask.

Asked, she was afraid of embarrassment.

Luo Yanxiao actually cares about Liu Ningning's thoughts, so as soon as she looks at Liu Ningning's expression, she knows her doubts, and he begins to explain: "Ning Ning, these are things brought to uncle and aunt, these are to Something for brothers and sisters."

Luo Yanxiao is also very skillful in speaking, saying that it is a brother and sister, not saying your brother and sister.

It makes people feel alienated.

Liu Ningning was shocked, "You... why do you still buy something, you still buy so much, you don't need to buy anything, that, this..."

Liu Ningning didn't expect it, so when Luo Yanxiao said, the whole person was really shocked.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning with her eyes wide open and thought she was cute.

Luo Yanxiao couldn't help but touch Liu Ningning's hair, "I went to your house for the first time, I didn't know what to bring, I just watched and bought it myself."

Luo Yanxiao knew that if he consulted with Liu Ningning in advance, Liu Ningning would definitely not let him buy anything, so he simply cut it first.

I bought it anyway, and was about to leave, Liu Ningning couldn't let him return.

" are you!"

With that said, Liu Ningning stomped his feet, all anxious.

"Ning Ning, don't make such a distinction. I'm your boyfriend. Have you forgotten?"

With that, Luo Yanxiao reached out and held Liu Ningning's hand, his eyes were so serious.

"But you can't afford to spend money."

Hearing this sentence, Luo Yanxiao's heart softened and warmed up, "Fool! You can let me take you home, I am already very happy."

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