Luo Yanxiao was really happy from his heart. He was Liu Ningning in his heart. Hearing her, his heart softened.

From small to large, no one has ever said such a thing.

It can be said that Liu Ningning's words softened his heart.

Although he doesn't care about spending the money, and for him, the money is really a bit of money.

The Luo family, also a well-known family, is not short of money.

He still remembers having dinner with friends before. Sometimes, people think he should pay.

It seemed to him that he invited everyone for granted.

But when Liu Ningning came here, instead, he turned around. He spent a little money, and she was not willing.

Sometimes it's helpless, but sometimes it's really heartfelt.

Because it made him feel that Liu Ningning really regarded him as a boyfriend.

Liu Ningning didn't speak, but his brows were all raised.

Luo Yanxiao reached out to touch Liu Ningning's hair and smoothed her eyebrows. "Don't frown, don't you always want to go home? Be happy."

Liu Ningning said to Luo Yanxiao very seriously: "Yanxiao, I don't have much ability now, and I will treat you well in the future."

Luo Yanxiao heard this sentence, and his heart touched.

He knew that Liu Ningning would not speak sweet words, but her words made him more emotional than any sweet words.

He also knew that Liu Ningning wouldn't say it for nothing, she was very serious.

He just knew her serious and persistent look at this moment.

Luo Yanxiao's eyes flickered, a little starlight flashed in his eyes, very bright, and with a lot of emotions.

He reached out and hugged Liu Ningning, "Okay, I believe you."

Liu Ningning smiled when he heard this, and raised his mouth slightly.

She knew that Luo Yanxiao meant that she believed that she had this ability.

Luo Yanxiao put the things in the trunk and opened the door of Liu Ningning's co-pilot to let her sit up.

He then circled the front of the car and got into the driver's seat.

Luo Yanxiao still habitually wear Liu Ningning a seat belt.

In fact, Liu Ningning now wears her own seat belt, but every time Luo Yanxiao moves, she is still very moved.

Her heart trembled and her breath froze.

Although the two had been intimate and kissed, every time Luo Yanxiao approached, Liu Ningning still accelerated his heartbeat and throbbed.

Especially the fragrance on Luo Yanxiao's body made her particularly fascinated.

When Luo Yanxiao fastened her seat belt, Liu Ningning relaxed.

But when Luo Yanxiao drove the navigation and drove out of the campus, Liu Ningning thought that it was really going home, she still had a feeling that she couldn't believe it.

Her heart was beating at once, very fast.

She didn't go home since she came to university. She really missed home, and at this time she knew she was going home, and she was still very excited.

Liu Ningning was excited, and his eyes were shiny.

She looked out of the car window, looking at the road ahead, her heart was jumping with joy, but she breathed carefully, not wanting to make herself look like she had never seen the world before.

But really, it is really different to go home in Luo Yanxiao's car.

And she felt that Luo Yanxiao was really handsome and cool when she was driving. She looked at his profile and her heart shook.

After Luo Yanxiao went on the road, he turned to look at Liu Ningning. "It's probably about five hours. If you go on the high speed, it will be faster. If you are tired, you can sleep."

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