Liu Ningning shook his head, "I am neither tired nor sleepy."

On the contrary, she is in a good mood and still very excited. Looking at the scenery on the roadside, she feels very beautiful and she is in a happy mood.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's shiny eyes and knew she was not sleepy.

He smiled, fearing that Liu Ningning was bored on the road and put music in the car.

Listening to music, Liu Ningning has a very relaxed feeling in body and mind.

She thought, if every time Luo Yanxiao drove her home with her car, it was really relaxing, not tired at all.

She no longer has to embarrassedly carry large and small bags of luggage to squeeze the car.

Sometimes in summer, when I go to the car, my body is sweaty.

Thinking of that time, Liu Ningning frowned.

At that time it was really tiring. Although she was very thin, she could carry a lot of luggage by herself. It was heavy and she could get it.

She thinks about it now, and she feels a little weird.

Now she does not have to carry her luggage to buy tickets to wait for the bus, to go by car.

Now she is in Luo Yanxiao's car, she can rest and look at the scenery, and she can't describe the emotional emotion at this time.

She was sweating because of her excitement.

Maybe other girls will be cared for by their boyfriends, and it will feel normal.

But she was very excited because she had suffered a lot in the past.

She breathed carefully and spread her hands gently so that the sweat on her palms could dry quickly?

When she was a child, she really envied those who had a car at home, and her parents could drive them to and from school.

After the high school entrance examination, all parents of high school students came to the school to help everyone move things.

Many people drive their parents to bring their luggage.

She still remembered that at that time, her parents came, carried her bags of books and things, and then pulled them to the station with a small cart, and then went back by the bus.

The dormitory building of their school is the old dormitory building, there is no elevator, the corridor is still very narrow, then there were many people.

Her father carried a large bag of books on his shoulders and walked down.

At that time she looked at her father's strenuous look, and the blue tendons on her neck were coming out, and she felt sore in her heart.

Her father was very thin, and she was reluctant to eat anything on weekdays, so she saved her and her siblings.

She doesn't know why her memory is so good

Luo Yanxiao was driving attentively, and did not notice the strange emotion of Liu Ningning.

Liu Ningning opened the window a little and let the wind blow in. She also suppressed her emotions.

Luo Yanxiao turned to look at Liu Ningning, "How come the window opened? Is it cold?"

Liu Ningning looked at Luo Yanxiao, with too many complex emotions in his eyes, moved, grateful, and many more.

Luo Yanxiao faced such a look, his heart skipped, "What's wrong?"

"No, I just want to see you."

After a pause, Liu Ningning turned to look out the window and let the wind blow her hair. "It's not cold today. Although it's autumn, the sun is very good and the wind is warm."

And feel the wind outside, there is a feeling of cool and cool, very comfortable and warm.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning and shook his head with a smile. Other girls were afraid of being exposed to the sun, but Liu Ningning was not afraid.

Liu Ningning's skin tone is not particularly white, but it is not dark, it is a healthy complexion.

It was also during this time that eating well, Liu Ningning's spirit looks very good.

"If you are hungry on the road, have some snacks."

"I'm not hungry yet. When I get home, I will ask my mother to make something for you in my hometown."

"it is good."

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