Although Liu Ningning was a little nervous at the beginning, because she knew where she went to school, she couldn't compare with Luo Yanxiao's school.

I heard that the children of their families are from aristocratic schools.

"If our school comes from a city, there are no facilities, just classrooms."

Luo Yanxiao listened to Liu Ningning's soft words and couldn't help reaching out to touch her head lovingly.

"As long as it's a place you've been to, as long as it's a place where you go to school, I want to take a look."

In fact, Luo Yanxiao wanted to know more about Liu Ningning, including many things when she was a child.

Luo Yanxiao followed many roads with Liu Ningning, and also came to the primary school where Liu Ningning went to school. The school is very small, so there are five or six classrooms, but it is very clean. Passing by the door, you can hear it inside. There was a sound of reading.

Luo Yanxiao can imagine how Liu Ningning used to go to school when he was a child.

Should I walk to school every day with my schoolbag?

Liu Ningning looked at Luo Yanxiao with some distraction, and asked curiously, "What are you thinking?"

"Thinking about what you were like when you were a kid."

Listening to Luo Yanxiao's words, Liu Ningning couldn't help thinking of her childhood.

When she was a child, she carried a schoolbag that her mother spliced ​​with cloth.

She goes to school with such a schoolbag every day, goes to class in the morning, goes home to eat at noon, and goes home after school in the evening.

On a rainy day or a snowy day, her mother would personally send her to school.

Even in the village, her parents will give her due care.

At that time, there were no worries. After class, I played on the campus.

She also went to middle school, only to realize that she must study hard.

So when she was in elementary school, she was really carefree. She just went to get out of class every day, played after class, ran home from school, followed her parents up the mountain.

If her parents didn't come back from school at night, she would go to the mountains to find her parents.

Every day she knew where the mother would go to work and what to do.

So after returning home from school, she put down her schoolbag and ran to find her parents.

However, in junior high school, that is in the town, usually go home once a week.

However, the pressure in junior high school is not too high. When I go home on the weekend, I will finish my homework and read books, and I will take time to relax.

That is, from the third year of junior high, she started to work harder than before.

Thinking, Liu Ningning also started to talk to Luo Yanxiao about some interesting things at that time.

Luo Yanxiao listened with relish.

Because Luo Yanxiao is sincere to Liu Ningning, Luo Yanxiao also wants to know many things about Liu Ningning.

In her past, he did not participate, but he listened to it as if he had not been absent.

Listen, Luo Yanxiao can imagine how cute Liu Ningning was when he was a child.

Luo Yanxiao couldn't help but want to know, "Ning Ning, do you have photos at home?"

"It seems that there are one or two. When I was a kid, I used to go to the photo studio to take pictures. It was also very expensive.

Luo Yanxiao grabbed Liu Ningning's hand and said, "When I get home, take it out and show it to me, OK?"

Liu Ningning looked at the serious look in Luo Yanxiao's eyes, as if with a light, she nodded.

But she was afraid that the villagers would see Luo Yanxiao holding her hand, so she quickly pulled out.

Luo Yanxiao felt his hands empty, and his heart seemed to be empty.

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