Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning at this moment, his eyes were a bit dazed, and the bright light in his eyes was slightly dim.

Liu Ningning looked at Luo Yanxiao's look, she knew that her unconscious action hurt Luo Yanxiao.

Liu Ningning twitched, and then suddenly grabbed Luo Yanxiao's hand again: "Sorry, but in the village, I have some conditioned reflexes, then when the school is in, the teacher does not allow boys and girls to contact At that time, neither the boys nor I said much."

In fact, all her reactions are conditioned reflex reactions, she did not intentionally.

Liu Ningning didn't know what Luo Yanxiao thought, she was really afraid of losing Luo Yanxiao.

She took his hand nervously and held it hard, "Yan Xiao, I'm sorry, you... are you angry, don't be angry..."

After all, this is the place of her home, and it is actually a strange place to Luo Yanxiao. If she treats Luo Yanxiao like this and makes Luo Yanxiao feel sad, then he will not feel the warmth.

Liu Ningning knows how a person feels about a strange place.

So she was so scared and scared.

When Liu Ningning was nervous, he used a lot of strength and grasped Luo Yanxiao very tightly.

Let Luo Yanxiao feel that Liu Ningning's share of caring and force.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's pale face, his eyes flashing, "Are you afraid of me being angry?"

Liu Ningning's eyes were all red. "How could I not be afraid or worry about your emotions?"

If he didn't care so much, he wouldn't take him home.

But when she was in the village, she paid attention everywhere.

She doesn't want people to gossip.

"You and I are male and female friends, why can't we hold hands?"

"You don't understand the customs here, everyone walks on the street, they don't hold hands, everyone's thoughts are still feudal, and they will make jokes."

When Liu Ningning was talking, he lowered his head as if he were a pupil who made a mistake.

She didn't realize how much she cared about Luo Yanxiao, so when she realized that she might have hurt Luo Yanxiao's heart, she felt so guilty.

Luo Yanxiao actually understood the customs here, and he didn't blame Liu Ningning.

It was just a momentary reaction at that time, and maybe his appearance changed slightly, so Liu Ningning saw it.

Unexpectedly, she would blame him so nervously.

To be honest, Luo Yanxiao is happy to iron posts, because he can feel that Liu Ningning really cares about him and has feelings for him. In the past, he always felt that Liu Ningning Wenwen was quiet, that kind of gentle feeling, so that he could not feel the heat inside her.

In fact, his heart is fiery, so he also wants to feel her fiery heart.

This time, he felt it.

But seeing her sad, he will be distressed.

He wanted to comfort Liu Ningning in his arms, but realized that the customs here could only suppress his inner enthusiasm.

He only gently touched Liu Ningning's hair, "Fool, how can I be so angry with such a small thing, don't think so much, you are sad, I will also feel sad."

Hearing this sentence, Liu Ningning's sinking heart seemed to be alive.

She suddenly looked up at Luo Yanxiao. After looking seriously at Luo Yanxiao, she found that he was serious.

Her eyes were all red.

Luo Yanxiao shivered, frowned, and reached out to wipe the tears from her eyes. "Don't cry."

Luo Yanxiao is not very comfortable with girls, but for Liu Ningning, it seems that some movements are so natural.

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