Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 5700: True temperament, cute and straightforward

Liu Ningning sucked his nose and shook his head. "No crying."

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning like this, only to think she was so cute, really cute.

It made his heart so soft.

Luo Yanxiao couldn't help but smile, "Like a child."

"How can I be like a child?"

"Cry, what's not a child?"

"I am a girl, and girls can cry."

Liu Ningning was confused at the moment, so it was instinctive to say so.

She didn't want Luo Yanxiao to think she was naive.

Although she was just a little childish.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's lovely reaction at this time, his eyes brightened.

Such a Liu Ningning, he had never seen on weekdays.

It seemed that she returned to her hometown before she showed her true temperament.

When she was at school on weekdays, she was always quiet and quiet, making people feel that she was missing something.

Although it is gentle, it seems to lack vitality.

At this point, Luo Yanxiao felt that he was a little surprised, his eyes shining brightly, "Smiling teeth!"

Liu Ningning breathed deeply: "I used to be a debating team in junior high school. I'm still very powerful."

It was only later that I knew I had to study hard, I had to bow my head and study hard, and then I didn't say much.

"Well, you are amazing!"

Luo Yanxiao's heart softened even more. It turned out that she was such a character that surprised him.

He thought, perhaps because she was under too much pressure when she was in college, so she could not show her true temperament.

It turned out that when she arrived at her hometown, she relaxed as a whole, so cute and frank.

Liu Ningning said that before, just not wanting to have a bad impression in Luo Yanxiao's heart.

But at this time, listening to him praise his own words, she was rather skinny and embarrassed.

"You... you're actually much better, I don't have much."

Looking at Liu Ningning like this, Luo Yanxiao couldn't help but laughed, a hearty smile.

Liu Ningning suddenly heard Luo Yanxiao's laughter, and was all ignorant.

She had never heard Luo Yanxiao laugh like this, the kind of cheerful smile, so dazzling sunshine, let her stunned.

Liu Ningning was ignorant, "What are you laughing at? Smile at me?"

Luo Yanxiao couldn't help but reached out and squeezed Liu Ningning's cheek. "You are so cute."

Hearing Luo Yanxiao's words, Liu Ningning turned red.

And she could see the spoiled light in Luo Yanxiao's eyes.

Liu Ningning's face was very hot, and she felt that she was looking for a topic, otherwise she wouldn't want to find a hole in it.

"Well, everyone is going to leave school. Let's leave here first. I will take you to the forest there."

"it is good."

Liu Ningning and Luo Yanxiao were walking along the side road, and she couldn't help but say a lot to Luo Yanxiao.

"When I was young, I had nothing to play with. I would take a small shovel, dig wild herbs in the mountains, and carry a small basket. Sometimes I would go to the river to wash clothes. If there is nothing to wash, I would take a small handkerchief by the river. play……

When I was a child, I really didn't want to think about anything, carefree. "

Luo Yanxiao listened, in fact, it was painful in his heart.

On the country road, there was no one, Luo Yanxiao couldn't help but take Liu Ningning's hand, trying to convey her warmth in this way. Liu Ningning's hand stiffened, but this time let Luo Yanxiao pull the hand as naturally as in school.

The two were walking and talking on the country road.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning sideways. Her side face was quiet and soft, and she just thought she was so beautiful.

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