In fact, Zi Lingxi knew that Huang Luoxiu knew that she was talked about like that, and she had the urge to kill.

Zi Lingxi knew that Huang Luoxiu wanted to kill Chen Liuchuan.

So she had to threaten and intimidate Chen Liuchuan not to die.

Zi Lingxi didn't want Huang Luoxiu to kill her for her.

Therefore, Zi Lingxi felt that she wanted to become stronger so that Huang Luoxiu would not worry too much about her.

She didn't want Huang Luoxiu to worry about her all the time.

She wants to work hard to become stronger.

After that, Ziling Xicha Qingluo's life in the school also became quiet, and they began to study step by step.

Because it is about to enter the exam week.

When the class was about to close, some class teachers began to focus on it.

People who skip class on weekdays also come to class at this time to listen to the key points.

After entering the exam week, everyone started to study and study.

At this time, both the library and the study room are full.

Some people are assaults, and of course some people are studying **** weekdays. It doesn’t matter if they paint or not. They themselves speak very well about knowledge.

Of course, Liu Ningning belongs to this kind of person, so she still has the same habits as usual.

Cha Qingluo also began to study seriously.

But she likes to sleep more in the morning.

After dinner, she sometimes went to the library to find Liu Ningning because Liu Ningning had a self-study seat there.

But sometimes Liu Ningning went to Nan Jiateng when she didn't occupy any extra seats.

There is an extra table in Nanjiateng's office where she can study on her own.

But when she was studying here in Nanjiateng, she was always easy to get lost.

She couldn't help but go to see Nan Jiateng.

Looking at it, she was fascinated by it and forgot that she had to learn.

Nan Jiateng looked at her like this and could only remind her helplessly, "Carefully."

"Oh, Nan Jiateng, why don't you review your homework?"

Nan Jiateng rubbed his eyebrows, thinking about how to explain to Cha Qingluo, "I have mastered the key points of all courses."

In fact, people like Nan Jiateng should belong to the type of genius who learn to dominate, perhaps it should be said to learn God.

If you look at the textbooks on weekdays, you will understand everything you should know.

Like the exam, you get a perfect score.

During the freshman year, Nan Jia Teng scored perfect for every course.

There is no doubt holding the first prize of grade.

Cha Qingluo looked at Nan Jiateng, his eyes started to shine, "You are so powerful!"

Cha Qingluo said that, in fact, it was emotion.

She thought for a while, then smiled, took the book and stood up to join Nan Jiateng.

"what happened?"

Cha Qingluo placed the book and pen at Nan Jiateng's desk, "That, you are so powerful, can you tutor me?"

Previously, when Cha Qingluo came, he was worried that it would affect Nanjiateng's homework.

At this time, she wouldn't worry anymore, he had all mastered it, so should she be able to help her?

Cha Qingluo blinked his eyes, the light flashed in his eyes, looking forward to Nan Jiateng.

In fact, Cha Qingluo is also very good at studying, but she is easy to be lazy in front of Nan Jiateng.

Furthermore, she did not like the stressful atmosphere of the exam week.

She can relax here in Nanjiateng.

In fact, she just likes to be spoiled in front of Nan Jiateng, and she can feel excited when she looks at Nan Jiateng's helplessness.

Nan Jiateng sighed helplessly and could only pick up her book and said, "Why don't you understand?"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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