Nan Jiateng's eyes like Shangcha Qingluo really have no resistance, and can't ignore her, only care about her.

Especially her eyes, so pitiful, made his heart soft.

When Cha Qingluo heard Nan Jiateng's words, her heart was jumping out.

Cha Qingluo's eyes flashed brightly, "I don't seem to understand."

Cha Qingluo said, and looked at Nan Jiateng with weak eyes.

She actually wanted him to draw her key points and give her a lecture.

She likes to see how his eyes are focused on her.

She also likes to listen to his voice, so magnetic, low-alcohol, especially nice.

Nan Jiateng listened to Cha Qingluo's words, some helplessness, and some headaches.

How could it not be.

Probably even Xueshen can't understand why some people don't have such simple content!

Cha Qingluo hurriedly explained: "You also know that the university's knowledge system is completely different from that of high school. I... I don't usually attend classes on weekdays, so I don't understand."

In fact, these are the pretexts of Cha Qingluo, she just wanted Nan Jiateng to give her the key point.

Naturally, Nan Jiateng didn't think much. He got up and moved another table, let Cha Qingluo sit beside him, and then picked up the pen and began to talk to her about the key points.

"The content of this have to focus on this, maybe you will test the noun explanation... This is the content of the big question, if you take the test, you should be able to write a few knowledge points..."

Cha Qingluo listened to Nan Jiateng's voice, and felt the breath of him leaning over, his heart jumped violently, very quickly.

In fact, what Nan Jiateng said was not very clear to her, she just liked to hear his voice.

Nan Jiateng said a few key points, and then looked down at the tea dill.

Cha Qingluo nodded hurriedly, "Uh..."

This shows that she has listened.

Nan Jiateng watched her listen and nodded in satisfaction.

Nan Jiateng couldn't help laughing when he looked at Cha Qingluo as a childish pupil.

I don't know what she was like when she was a child, is she also a well-behaved little girl?

After speaking for an hour, Nan Jiateng let Cha Qingluo rest and rest, and told her a lot at once, she may not be able to remember.

Nan Jiateng touched the hair of Cha Qingluo, "The rest will be first, you will talk about these knowledge points first, take a rest for ten minutes, and I will tell you again."

Cha Qingluo took a deep breath. When Nan Jiateng approached, her breath suffocated and her body was tight.

Because Nan Jiateng carries a delicate fragrance, so it smells so good.

She was all drunk.

At this time, Cha Qingluo could rest after hearing it, and quickly got up and started to move, but she was still very jealous and quickly gave Cha Qingluo a glass of water and handed him, "You have been talking for so long, your throat must be dry, you drink Light up."

Looking at Cha Qingluo's expression, Nan Jiateng took the cup and smiled helplessly, "You have a good exam, even if you are worthy of me."

Don't waste his time telling her the key points.

"You can rest assured that I will take the exam well and strive to get good grades."

Looking at Nan Jiateng, she thought she would review her homework.

And she is actually very smart, Nan Jiateng told her again, she almost remembered it.

So when the time comes for the exam, you can also answer good questions.

Nan Jiateng also knows that Cha Qingluo is actually very smart, that is, she is not very serious in her studies.

So he had to mention something.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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