Hearing Zi Lingxi say this, Cha Qingluo is also happy for the two of them, and everyone always has a place for self-study, so that they can learn efficiently.

"Today I was in Nanjiateng's office, let him give me the key point, the textbook is on the table, if you want to use it, take it and see it, all drawn with colored pens."

Cha Qingluo is not a selfish character. If he knows the point, he will not hide it.

She has such a righteous personality, and naturally there are many friends around her.

Zi Lingxi naturally knew about tea pouring. The two knew each other from junior high school and knew she was not a selfish character.

Zi Lingxi and Liu Ningning took the tea textbooks and began to compare them, focusing on the key points. In this way, they can also learn efficiently, and they will not read all the aimless books.

Of course, Liu Ningning is very proficient in the content of the entire book, but only to look at the key points is to consolidate and strengthen.

The three people looked at the textbook in this way and simply spoke.

What seemed to come to mind, Liu Ningning said, "I think everyone seems to have printed the key points on the paper, and each has their own copy."

But no one seemed to send them to their dormitory.

Their dormitory rarely communicates with other classmates in the three weekdays.

As for the class next door, they are girls’ dorms in one class, and they don’t communicate much.

And last time someone satirized Zi Lingxi’s failure to return home at night, in fact it must have been said by the girl’s dormitory next door, otherwise who would know?

The people in their own dorms will definitely not speak out.

Cha Qingluo sat up from the bed all at once. "So this time we have to take a good test to let them know that we can take the test well without giving us a point."

Zi Lingxi nodded, "I agree with this, I want to get angry."

What seemed to come to mind, Zi Lingxi asked: "Yes, Yang Manqin really didn't come to take the exam?"

Speaking of this, Cha Qingluo sighed, "I sent a message to Master, I didn't return, and I couldn't make a call. I asked Nan Jiateng. Nan Jiateng said that she had seen Yang Manqin and she was fine."

Nan Jiateng did go to see Yang Manqin. Yang Manqin still spoke the same as before, but asked him to take care of Cha Qingluo.

After Nan Jiateng determined that Yang Manqin was fine, he told Cha Qingluo.

Therefore, Cha Qingluo did not contact Yang Manqin much in the past few days.

"All in all, Yang Manqin's character is really weird."

Liu Ningning thought about it and said, "In the past, there were also very lonely people in our class, but it was not the same as Yang Manqin's character."


After discussing for a while, the three people could not really understand Yang Manqin. When the time came, they turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Examination week is still tense and cannot be played late into the night as usual.

Early the next morning, when Cha Qingluo woke up at more than seven o'clock, he found that the dormitory was empty.

She felt that she was getting up at seven o'clock, already getting up early, but found that the dormitory was still empty.

To be honest, there is such a dormitory in the dormitory that she can learn, and she is a bit nervous.

Fortunately, she has good psychological quality and should sleep.

Nan Jiateng also sent a message to Cha Qingluo at seven o'clock and asked when she was going to have breakfast. He went downstairs in the dormitory to wait for her.

In fact, if it weren't for Nanjia Teng's message, Cha Qingluo might be lazy and want to sleep more.

But this time, she read the information and sat up, ready to go to breakfast.

Soon, the subject-by-subject exam began.

After each test, everyone can relax.

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