Because every time a subject is tested, everyone can review one less subject and relax in their hearts.

During the week of the actual exam, one day off and one day off.

Time passed quickly, and on the last day, it was a subject in the morning.

The night before the last exam, the students on the campus were relaxed and no longer tense at first.

This evening, there were more people on campus.

Before, there were not many people on campus, that is, there were a lot of people when eating, most of them were studying on their own.

Cha Qingluo took a deep breath and felt that the whole person could relax.

After the final exam tomorrow, they are equivalent to winter vacation and they can go home.

There is almost a month in winter vacation, she can have fun.

After a semester exam at the university, the vacation is really relaxed and there is no homework.

In high school, there are a lot of homework during the summer and winter vacations, and everyone knows that to take the college entrance examination, even if it is played, it can not be completely relaxed.

When Cha Qingluo and Nan Jiateng were walking on campus, Nan Jiateng could feel the good mood of Cha Qingluo.

"There will be an exam tomorrow, so just relax?"

"You have told me the key points of the subject, and it's all in my mind. I'm not worried. Of course, I can relax now. Let's go out for dinner, OK? It's been a long time since I went out to eat."

With that, Cha Qingluo grabbed Nan Jiateng's arm and started shaking.

Nan Jiateng pampered and said, "What do you want to eat?"

Cha Qingluo answered without hesitation: "Hot pot!"

Nan Jiateng couldn't help laughing, "How much do you like to eat hot pot!"

Nan Jiateng did not find out that he laughed more and more recently.

Cha Qingluo is exactly that kind of careless character. Like a pistachio, even the cold personality of Nan Jiateng is easily influenced by her.

"It's suitable for hot pot in winter, I want to eat it."

"Okay, let's eat if you want."

In fact, Nan Jiateng is not keen on hot pot, but if Cha Qingluo likes to eat, he will naturally bring Cha Qingluo to eat.


Here, Liu Ningning is still self-study in the library. Not all the exams are over, and she is not relaxed.

Although the library’s self-study space is not easy to occupy, the curator left her a self-study seat. Later, she learned that she still has a boyfriend and also reserved an extra self-study seat.

Liu Ningning was very grateful to the curator for buying some fruit and sending it to him.

The curator is a kind woman, looking at Liu Ningning, said: "You are a good boy, come and go to study and study every day in the wind and rain, your boyfriend is discerning at first sight, it is also good for you, what I can do Not much. It’s okay to leave two seats for you. You can continue to study in the future."

"Well, Auntie, rest assured, I will study hard."

Liu Ningning is the kind of genius girl character next door, very sensible, so that those who met her could not help but praise a few words.

There are not many people in the library. Some majors have passed the exam, and some majors have the last course left.

Luo Yanxiao just finished the exam, but he still accompanies Liu Ningning in the library as always.

It's just that he was playing with his mobile phone beside him.

In fact, Luo Yanxiao hoped that the time would be longer, because the holiday was over after the exam. He wondered whether Liu Ningning would go home as soon as the holiday?

In this case, I can't see you for more than a month, and when the school starts again, it is the Spring Festival.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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