Luo's mother tongue is not good, it seems to be suppressing fire.

In particular, what she couldn't bear was that this incident was actually heard from Mrs. Liang's mouth.

Especially Mrs. Liang's complexion at that time, the kind of smile with the drama, how to think and how dazzling.

She has always been a person who wants to face up, but can't lose face.

Luofu's temper is much better than that of Luomu. In fact, when he was young, Luofu's temper was not good, but he was also treated by Luomu, and his temper gradually improved.

Two people can't be bad tempered, right?

Father Luo looked at Luo Mother and said: "You, just want face, so important is face?"

"What do you know about a man, face problems, in this circle, who doesn't know the family style of our Luo family, if the son finds a woman who can't be on the table, how do you say that other people will laugh at our Luo family? We Luo The clan's family is also a famous wealthy family, how can one allow others to say nothing."

"You are good everywhere. The happiness of Yan Xiao's child is not more important than anything. You are also a person who has lived for half a life. Why can't you see it, is it good to make your son unhappy?"

"I'm not happy, but I'm good for my son. At first, you and I were not the lives of our parents. The two of us are right. What's wrong? It's not a good relationship."

Luo father listened to these words, bitter, Luo mother's personality when she was young, some people can not stand.

But he is a man, just let it be.

Both of them are well-knowledged, so can he not let it go?

But this can not be said casually in front of Luo mother, if she is angry, it is the son who suffers.

They are such a son, he thinks that his son's happiness is more important than anything.

Of course, that woman can't be too uncomfortable, she must have a clean life experience, and if she is a girl from a good family, then she will keep the house.

Luo Mu was actually angry at this meeting, so when she talked to Luo Fu, she also had some tone of voice.

After the reaction, she eased her tone and said: "I will not be in a good mood this time, the tone is not good, don't blame me."

Father Luo patted Mother Luo's hand and said, "I have an old wife and a wife, I know all your personalities, it's fine."

After all, there are feelings, and Father Luo did not want to make Mother Luo angry, so she tried to enlighten her.

Luo Mu heard Luo Fu's words, her face was slightly crimson, and she looked a lot better, thinking for a while: "That lady Mrs. Liang said that the young girlfriend that Yan Xiao was looking for was of ordinary looks and looked special. At first glance, Xiao Jia Zi was sour and poor. He came out of the poor people's family and dedicated his money. He said that Yan Xiao's child seemed to be infused with a soup of enchantment, and counterattacked the Yana child for the woman."

Father Luo put the newspaper down and sighed: "You believe in this way? You use your mind, what kind of character is Luo Ya's child, well-known in the circle, even if she does not stab others, it is good, don't you let your son Is it right to hold back?"

"That won't work. The Liang family is nothing. My son can't be upset."

"Look, don't you still look towards your son? You, you are the tofu heart of the knife mouth, which no one else knows, and thought you were a dominatrix."

"What did you say, you even said I was a dominatrix, you..."

"Okay, okay, how cute you are, that is unmatched by others. That Mrs. Liang is probably jealous of you. You see you are not much better than her."

Luo mother was laughed by Luo Luo's coax, "Well, you said the same."

Father Luo looked at Mother Luo's complexion and got a good temper, thinking that his son shouldn't have too many problems when he comes back.

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