In fact, if Luo Mu was not coaxed by Luo Luo's father, it was estimated that Luo Yanxiao was scattered all over her stomach.

As expected, Luo mother's temper was no longer good, and in front of Luo father, it was just fine.

Luomu now only has Luofu in her eyes, so she naturally forgets about her son.

Sometimes women are the easiest to drill the horns of the horns. They can't figure it out. In fact, if they are in a good mood, they will not drill the horns.

Father Luo did not want to make Mother Luo angry, and of course did not want his son to be wronged, so he reconciled in the middle.

He thinks he can still play a very important role.


When Luo Yanxiao drove all the way, his heart was carried, he could even imagine his mother's face.

The mother also came from a wealthy family, arrogant and arrogant, to face.

He knew it all.

To be honest, he also beat his mother a bit.

His mother said nothing, if it was against it, some of his mother was able to toss him.

Think about it, Luo Yanxiao has a headache.

Of course, his mother is in a good mood, and when he is good to him, it is also very good.

The temper is the two extremes.

Sometimes, he thinks his mother has the same personality as the two.

Along the way, Luo Yanxiao was absent-minded, and broke through several red lights.

When he returned home, it was all evening. Luo Yanxiao came home and walked into the living room. He heard the laughter in it and seemed to have the voice of his mother before he slowly relieved.

He knew that his father must have helped him.

Only in front of the father, the mother will be like a child.

It has to be said that if one thing drops one thing, only the father can cure the mother, which can make the mother's mood better.

Luo Yanxiao approached the living room and said: "My parents, I'm back."

Mother Luo sighed when she saw her son: "I'm back, and I must be hungry too. I let the kitchen cook and eat for a while... Put things down and rest."

Luo Mu's tone still showed concern for her son, but said nothing else.

Not to mention his girlfriend.

Luo Yanxiao couldn't figure out what his mother thought at this time, but it seemed that she was in a good mood, and he would not deliberately say that these offended mothers.

So he nodded, went to the room, put the school bag down, and then came back to the living room.

He sat on the sofa for a while, and his mother said nothing.

Just caring about his affairs at school.

Luo Yanxiao naturally wanted to make his mother happy, telling some interesting things about the school and also his achievements.

Luo Mu nodded her head with satisfaction when she heard Luo Yanxiao's achievements, at least it means that her son didn't delay learning at school, which means that the woman didn't delay her son, and she relaxed.

It wasn't until the meal that Luo Mu said: "If I don't ask, don't you say anything about your girlfriend?"

Luo Yanxiao's face changed, "Mom, am I afraid you are angry?"

"What kind of girlfriend did you have, so afraid of me being angry?"

Luo Mu listened like this, thinking that the woman might not be able to get on the table.

Her face also pulled down.

"Mom, I don’t mean that. I’m 18 years old now. I’m afraid you don’t think I’m young, so I didn’t tell you... And you and your father are not at home all the time, and sometimes you are busy making a phone call. , I’m used to making things on my own, so I won’t tell you.”

Hearing this, Luo Mu felt guilty.

Indeed, the child was sensible from an early age, she and his father did not worry much about it, but they really did not care about it.

When I was young, I was busy with my busy career and work, and I didn't take care of my son very much.

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