Luo Yanxiao looked at his mother with red eyes, "Mom, how do you want me to be filial to you? Listen to everything, walking dead?"

Luo Yanxiao at this time vented all his dissatisfaction.

In fact, because his parents didn't care about him from an early age, he also had a lot of sadness in his heart, but he was hidden by him on weekdays.

Now under the persecution of his parents, he can be considered a burst.

Luo Mu looked at Luo Yanxiao's look and appearance, and was also shocked. She was thinking about it. Was she talking too heavy?

But she has always said the same character, who doesn't listen to her on weekdays.

Her own son, grown up, just treated her like this?

"I haven't worked hard with your father to maintain everything in the family. In the future, I haven't handed it to you. My father and I have no shortage of you to eat and wear. You are now grown up and don't need me and you. Father, he began to rebel, ah..."

Luo Mu roared uncomfortably.

Father Luo felt distressed when he looked at Mother Luo like this. He straightened his face and said, "Come here, look at Master!"


In this way, Luo Yanxiao was caught by the bodyguards at home, and even the mobile phone could not be used.

But Luo Yanxiao's mobile phone is set with a password, and his parents can't use it.

Luofu and Luomu turned off Luo Yanxiao's mobile phone.

Luo Mu was severe when she was severe. If she really wanted to punish her son, she could not bear it.

Don't look at her yelling, it's actually easy to be soft-hearted.

She looked at Father Luo and said softly, "Did I just go a little too far? Too harsh?"

Father Luo looked at Luo Mother like this, and sighed, "You are short-tempered, now you and your son are calm and calm."

"I calmed down."

Father Luo said: "Then let his son calm down."

"Will you look at him with him closed like this?"

"No problem, since he cares about the little girl, he won't have trouble with himself, just calm down and calm down. For an outsider to collide with his parents, he should give him a lesson. This hasn't used family methods. You're more distressed about family law."

Luo Mu quickly said: "Don't use family law, this thing is also my fault, because I speak too hard."

Luo mother is such a character, after impulse, she will reflect on what is wrong with her, she is also soft-hearted.

Don't look at her like her son, but it's not really real, it was just angry.

In fact, when parents are really angry with their children, they are angry, and they will get angry. They will really punish the children, and they will feel distressed in the future.

Father Luo sighed, "He can't help him in this matter, he is good to him."

"I see him like that. He really likes it. He really likes the little girl, the college classmates, and his age is the same. This age is also the age when the flesh and blood just fell in love. It may not be possible to stop it."

Father Luo smiled, "You know, just said that?"

"I just can’t get used to it. He is a parent to us for an outsider. Isn’t that a knife that pierces our hearts? My heart is unbalanced. My son gave it to the little girl in the end. Toward her everywhere, lawlessness."

Father Luo patted Mother Luo's back, "Okay, don't be angry, calm down and talk again."

Luo Mu nodded, and after she nodded her head, she seemed to think of something: "Why don't we see the girl and see what it might be like."

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