Luofu listened to Luomu's words and disagreed: "An outsider, what is visible."

Luo Mu thought of her son, or softened her tone: "You can't say that, and you can only know yourself and know each other, so that you can talk to your son in a targeted way, right?"

Luo Mu looked at Luo Fu with her eyes wide open, and she would still listen to Luo Fu in big things.

Luofu couldn't bear to make Luomu unhappy, "Well."

"Then I'll see what the kid is like these days."


Liu Ningning didn't even know what happened to the Luo family.

Liu Ningning also looked at his cell phone at dinner time, and suddenly saw several missed calls, all of which were from Luo Yanxiao.

Liu Ningning didn't have time to read the text message, so he hurried back to the past. When he went back to the past, no one answered the phone.

Liu Ningning also made several calls, but no one answered.

Liu Ningning's complexion changed, and her complexion was a little white. After a while, her forehead sweated.

The clerk next to him looked at Liu Ningning and asked, "Ning Ning, what's wrong with you, wouldn't it be a problem at home? Do you think you are so white, are you sick?"

Liu Ningning now has no intention of talking to others, nor can he listen to others.

She shook her head pale, "I'm fine."

Liu Ningning smiled stiffly at his colleague, and then he couldn’t wait for dinner, took the phone and called outside, calling again and again.

When no one answered, Liu Ningning almost cried.

For so long, she and Luo Yanxiao were together, in fact, she was used to Luo Yanxiao petting her by her side to protect her.

Suddenly Luo Yanxiao stopped answering the phone, and Liu Ningning was afraid from the heart.

She began to reflect on whether she was not doing well.

Did she say the wrong thing in the morning?

Liu Ningning began to think constantly.

She remembered it. Last night, she said that when she borrowed a computer from Luo Yanxiao, Luo Yanxiao seemed very upset.

Luo Yanxiao doesn't seem to like her speaking in such alienated tone, is he angry?

She all wanted to slap herself. She felt that she must be too arrogant. She was a boyfriend and a boyfriend. She was so hypocritical and talked like that. It was normal for Luo Yanxiao to be angry.

Liu Ningning stood in the hallway, and his whole body seemed to have no energy.

She felt no strength at all, her head was buzzing, blank.

I don’t know how long it took. A clerk came over and said, “Ning Ning, what’s wrong with you, let’s have a meal and work soon.”

Liu Ningning nodded. She hadn't eaten yet. In fact, she couldn't eat anymore and didn't want to eat anymore.

But thinking of working hours in the evening, she would not have the strength to stand without eating, so she also ate her meal daringly.

After eating, Liu Ningning also calmed down, thought of the text message, opened the text message, and saw it. Luo Yanxiao sent several text messages, explaining that he had gone home urgently.

Luo Yanxiao said several text messages, and Liu Ningning looked at it, as if his heart fell.

She let out a long sigh of relief, not that Luo Yanxiao ignored her, but that he went back because of an emergency.

Liu Ningning's mood improved all at once, and she packed her spirits and began to work busy.

But Liu Ningning's condition was different from before, and there was no smile on his face.

She was anxious and wanted to contact Luo Yanxiao as soon as possible. She wanted to listen to him. She seemed to listen to him and explained that she hadn't looked at her cell phone before, and she felt at ease.

She didn't want Luo Yanxiao to misunderstand her intentionally not answering the phone.

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