Even Liu Ningning's brother and sister ran out quickly.

"Sister, sister..."

In their eyes is the worship of Liu Ningning.

Looking at the loving eyes of his parents and seeing the light in his brother's and sister's eyes, Liu Ningning's heart fell into place at once.

She felt that she was relaxed.

She felt like duckweed when she was outside, and when she got home, the whole person relaxed.

Liu Ningning felt so many emotions in his heart. This would see parents seeing their siblings, and they couldn't help crying at once.

Her eyes were all red.

Liu Ningning’s parents looked at Liu Ningning and couldn’t help worrying, “Ning Ning, why are you crying? Was you wronged outside?”

Watching Liu Ningning come back alone, Liu Mu knew that it might be related to Luo Yanxiao.

Previously, just after the holiday, Ning Ning also said that Luo Yanxiao drove her back.

This will see Liu Ningning dragging back big bags and small bags, and she knows what she is tired of.

Mother Liu sighed in her heart, but said nothing, but hugged her daughter in distress.

Liu Ningning wiped his tears and shook his head: "My parents, I'm okay. I just miss home. When I get home, I can't help crying."

Father Liu took Liu Ningning’s suitcase and bags, and Mother Liu hurriedly pulled Liu Ningning into the house. “Come into the house, it’s so cold outside, go home and say.”

In fact, the home is not warm, there is no heating at all, that is, Kang is hot.

After Liu Ningning entered the room, Liu Mu let Liu Ningning hurry up to the kang. "Kang is warm, the hot kang just burned, the rice cake steamed at noon today, the kang is very hot, go to Kang and sit warm and warm."

After Liu Ningning entered the room, she was in a good mood and her emotions were depressed. She opened the suitcase and opened the bag happily, and took the same things out.

"Dad, this is the down jacket I bought for you, Mom, this is the sweater for you, and the down jacket. This is the new clothes for the younger brother and sister. This is the snack for the younger brother and sister."

Father Liu and Mother Liu are frugal, and there is no real warm clothes in winter, let alone down jackets.

Father Liu and Mother Liu knew about the down jacket on TV. When they heard the down jacket, they were all stunned. Some couldn't believe it.

But when I saw the down jacket, I was a little happy.

Mother Liu smiled happily, but said on her mouth, "You look at you, save money and spend a little money. My dad and I don't lack clothes. How can we buy clothes? How much does it cost..."

Mother Liu is used to frugality, but still distressed money.

But she was happy in her heart, how could anyone not like new clothes, but only because of living conditions.

Father Liu also said beside him: "Keep the money and spend it yourself. Don’t treat yourself badly at school. There are clothes at home that don’t freeze. You also wear clothes for your brothers and sisters. Leave them alone. Take care of yourself first. It’s no better than home, it costs money everywhere."

Father Liu is not a person who talks much on weekdays, and this can't help but nag a few words.

Liu Ningning's younger brother and sister were already happy to get the new clothes, and gestured happy on their bodies.

Liu Ningning looked at the happy family, and could not help raising her lips. She felt that she was in a good mood when she saw that her loved ones were happy.

"Mom and dad, you can rest assured that I have made a lot of translations in school and part-time jobs. You don't have to worry about me."

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