Listening to her daughter’s words, Mother Liu was very proud, but she still reassuredly said, “In school, remember to study hard and you can’t just go to work part-time.”

"Mom, I know, I know to study hard. When I'm on vacation, I go to work part-time, and I can translate in my spare time. It can also help learning."

Hearing this, father Liu and mother Liu were at ease.

Liu Ningning's brother and sister jumped happily there.

Liu Ningning was also happy, and said, "Hurry up and try it on to see if it fits."

Liu Ningning's younger brother and sister quickly put on new clothes and tried it, and looked at it in the mirror. They were so happy.

Liu Ningning knew that his brother and sister must be happy.

When she was young, she also liked new clothes, but they all wear old clothes.

That is, relatives who don’t wear clothes may wear them.

The clothes that are not worn are very worn, or they are washed or whitish, or where they are worn, or they are fluffed.

But some wear is already very good.

At that time she also wanted new clothes, but her parents would not buy clothes.

Parents feel that they have to save up the money, and buying clothes is too expensive.

In fact, her parents were even reluctant to buy a piece of clothing, they all saved up money to study for them.

Now that she is capable, she wants her parents, her brothers and sisters, to be able to wear clothes, which can be a lot easier.

When she was a child, she actually had no snacks.

She had a relative in the city, and she joked that her parents never bought snacks for them, and they never even had instant noodles.

She was young at that time. In fact, she remembered the most clearly. She still remembered that her parents were embarrassed and couldn’t refute anything.

In the future, she doesn't want her parents to be wronged, or want her parents to be told.

Liu Ningning was very careful, and the clothes she bought were all the right size.

Father Liu and Mother Liu both tried it on.

Mother Liu touched her down jacket carefully, and murmured her mouth. "It turns out that this is a down jacket. The clothes are very light and really warm. They don't get cold anymore!"

Father Liu also looked at the mirror happily, "Yes, it looks good, it looks good..."

Liu Ningning looked at his parents, thinking about the hard work of his parents these years, his eyes were sour.

Liu Ningning said: "Parents, you are wearing this, you are much younger, and everyone has new clothes during the New Year."

Liu Ningning also took his brothers and sisters to let them eat snacks.

In fact, none of her brothers and sisters had eaten snacks, which was also the snack that Luo Yanxiao brought back when he brought Liu Ningning back.

Because Liu Ningning came back, the family was very happy.

Liu Mu killed a chicken and cooked it at noon.

As usual, the mother Liu will not want to kill the chicken.

At noon, the family sat on the kang, sat around the table, and ate a full meal.

In the afternoon, the family sat on the kang, covered with a quilt, peeling corn while talking.

Liu Ningning talked about some interesting things about the school. Her brothers and sisters also listened with interest, with a longing light in their eyes.

Liu Ningning touched their heads, "Study hard."

Mother Liu said: "They are the first in this exam, and they also received a certificate, saying that they are waiting for you to come back and stick it on the wall."

Liu Ningning looked up at the wall of the house, all of which were covered with certificates of honor, hers and her siblings.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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