Looking at these awards, Liu Ningning was a little distracted.

From elementary school junior high school to high school, every year semester final exam will be issued a certificate, she has a certificate.

Perhaps it was because she played a good leading role, and her brothers and sisters also had good academic performance, so almost all the walls of the house were covered with certificates.

She still remembers that when relatives came to see these certificates, they would praise one or two sentences. Her parents always showed a proud look on their faces at that time. She knew that she and her siblings made their parents very proud.

"Sister, we will show you the certificate."

The younger brother and sister heard the mother's words and hurried to get the certificate to show to her sister.

Liu Ningning listened, and a soft light flashed in his eyes.

In fact, by the side of her parents, looking at her brother and sister, her mood calmed down and her mood was completely all right.

Although Luo Yanxiao was still a bit uncomfortable, she felt that her heart was gradually being healed.

In fact, she didn't see Luo Yanxiao's reply until she returned home.

In fact, she was always looking forward to Luo Yanxiao calling her and texting her.

She also texted Luo Yanxiao before returning home, but did not return.

In fact, until now, Liu Ningning's heart is still mentioned.

She was also worried about Luo Yanxiao. Similarly, thinking of Luo Yanxiao's good treatment for her, she could not believe that Luo Yanxiao would not contact her on purpose.

She felt that Luo Yanxiao must have a reason to be bitter.

But she also had to listen to Cha Qingluo's words. If Luo Yanxiao really listened to his mother's words, wouldn't she contact her?

Liu Ningning thought about these thoughts, and naturally Mother Liu also found her daughter's absence.

Mother Liu hesitated and asked, "Ning Ning, is there a conflict with Yan Xiao's child?"

When the mother is still worried about her daughter, she did not intend to ask, worrying about asking her to think more.

But when the mother still couldn't help caring about the child, how could she not be worried, she couldn't help asking.

When Liu Mu asked this question, Liu Liu's movements also paused, and he wanted to know.

Even the younger brothers and sisters who had just been lively and quiet were quiet.

Liu Ningning can feel that her parents, brothers and sisters are concerned about her, she has a very warm heart.

She said: "He was good before, and he went home suddenly, saying that there was an emergency at home. After that, he didn't return any news. I didn't answer any calls later."

Upon hearing this sentence, Mother Liu changed her face and was silent for a long time: "It seems that his parents do not look down on our family. The people from the wealthy family still pay attention to the right of the family. Isn't it the same on TV? ?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Ningning choked up, "Mom, I know this is the case, but I still feel uncomfortable."

After all, she and Luo Yanxiao have been together for so long, and her feelings are not controlled by what she says can be controlled.

And she is used to it, used to talk to Luo Yanxiao every day, two people eat and study together together every day.

Suddenly he had no news, she couldn't help it.

Her heart is always carried.

"I...I just want to hear his voice. He wants to hear whatever he says. I want to know what's going on, so I don't suddenly have no contact."

"I will meet again at the beginning of school. A winter vacation will soon pass, and I can ask clearly at that time."

Mother Liu did not go to school much, but she also knew that there were some things that were useless in a hurry.

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