Luo Yanxiao's tone was a bit harsh when he said this.

Luo Mu was even more angry, " talked to your mother like this, you turned it up, you said I was selfish? I am selfish? For me, for family considerations, for whom? It is not your heir? Industry, my father and I worked hard to manage the family management of the company. No one has dared to talk to me like this. You as a son actually said that mom is selfish, you..."

Father Luo just happened to come in, watching Luo mother angry like this, hurriedly brought Luo mother over, patting her back to help her calm down, "What's the matter, what annoying anger, just son was unconscious, you Still crying like that, aren’t you worried? Wake up and get angry."

Luo Mu said: "You ask your good son, you actually said that I am selfish, do you talk to your mother like this?"

Father Luo's expression was cold, "For a girl, what it is like now, what kind of system!"

Luo Yanxiao was actually afraid of his father. His father became cold, that was really cold.

"Dad, I..."

If not looking at his son lying down, Father Luo could slap in the face of his son.

Luo Yanxiao knew that regarding the topic just now and Liu Ningning, he could not meet his father for the time being, but he still had to think long.

He closed his eyes pretending to be weak and stopped looking at his parents.

Father Luo looked at his son's weakness and knew that he was still ill, his temper subsided.

He pulled Luo mother out, and now Luo mother and son are both angry, still have to calm down.

Watching his parents go out, Luo Yanxiao opened his eyes again.

When he opened his eyes again, Luo Yanxiao's eyes were a little heavy.

But just after waking up, he was still exhausted and weak.

Luo Yanxiao actually does not understand the good parents on weekdays, why is it so stubborn in this matter, is family background so important? Background is so important?

The corners of his mouth evoked a bitter arc, and he really wanted a family marriage!

Oh, he thought his family did not need to marry, because their family is also regarded as a wealthy family.

Although it is not top-notch, it is not bad. After all, my father was married to his mother. The marriage between the two big families was helpful to the industry of the Luo family.

But my father and mother grew up together, so neither of them is considered a parent’s life.

Luo Yanxiao's head hurts.

He was still thinking about how to tell Liu Ningning about this matter.

But Luo Yanxiao also had dissatisfaction with anger in his heart.

But he can't be disrespectful to his parents. He still puts all this on the Liang family, especially the Liang Luoya. He won't take it for granted.

Mrs. Liang also had that Liang Luoya, he remembered, it wouldn't be so.

But at this time Luo Yanxiao also worried about Liu Ningning. He didn't know how long he slept or how Liu Ningning is now.

If you can't reach him, will you be in a hurry?


Luofu comforted Luomu in the corridor, "What do you do to get angry with your child, he is still sick!"

"How can he talk to me like that, but I am his mother!"

"You don’t want to think about it, when our parents didn’t accompany him when we were young, he was also awkward when he got along with us. There is a problem with his mode of getting along. You have to understand that the son is not a godfather, he is talking about being a father. Did not do their best."

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