Listening to Father Luo's words, Luo mother's mood is better, so she doesn't blame her son.

Indeed, they have little time to be with their sons as parents, and they have hardly formed a good relationship. The son may not know how to communicate with them?

Mother Luo sighed and said, "What kind of girl is it, and the son who can flicker is doing the right thing with us, you can go back and look at it, knowing yourself and knowing each other can be invincible."

Luo Mu wanted to meet the girl now, but she fooled her son when she was eighteen.

She feels strange. There are many young ladies in the wealthy family on weekdays, and her son often sees them, and encounters many beautiful women, but he is not seen like this.

Is there something special about this girl?

But now she can only wait to see the school when the school starts.


Liu Ningning came home and lay on the Kang bed in the afternoon, not knowing this.

She was also really tired and slept deeply, and she didn't know that the phone rang.

After she returned home, the schoolbag was placed in her parents' house.

Liu Ningning's cell phone rang, and Liu Fu and Liu Mu heard it.

"Should I tell Ning Ning that her phone is ringing?"

"When the child came back, his eyes were all red and his eyes were swollen like that. It was tiring at first glance. Let her sleep for a while. No matter what, it's never too late to wake up and say."

Listening to Father Liu, Liu Mother nodded.

Also, when Ning Ning's child came home, he was very tired at first glance, so tired and tired, his expression looked wrong.

Even so, she smiled and showed them clothes and shopping.

Mother Liu had been peeling corn. When she thought of Ning Ning, she sighed and stopped her work and asked Father Liu, "You said, what happened to the child Ning Ning and Yan Xiao? The last time I came back, I was not okay. Yes, when she was going to take a vacation just after the exam, she also said that Yan Xiao’s child would drive her back. Is it a matter of a few days, is it a quarrel and a conflict?"

Father Liu was silent for a while and said, "Ning Ning is not a character who can quarrel with others. Most of them are aggrieved. The children of the poor family are not easy. The family history of Yan Xiao is there. There is a big difference between the two in the family world. Even if Luo Yanxiao agreed, did his parents agree? Perhaps Luo Yanxiao's parents knew about this, so they intervened."

Although Father Liu didn't talk much, he was very thorough in analyzing the problem.

His own daughter knows that he has a good personality, how can he quarrel with others, and it is not a character to be wronged.

Father Liu was very worried. He was worried that Liu Ningning and Luo Yanxiao would be aggrieved when they entered the wealthy family. After all, he as a father could not help Ning Ning, and he could only rely on the child himself.

Father Liu listened to Father Liu’s words, and his face also changed, “I watched on TV, so the family’s mother looked down on the girls from ordinary people, and the door was wrong. I heard that people in the city are rich. It’s all about buying a lot of things for girls and having a lot of money, not to mention girls who were born in a wealthy family."

In the past, Liu's father and Liu's mother had no inferiority complex, but in Ning Ning's affairs, they still felt that they were impatient, and if they were able to endure, they would not let Ning Ning be wronged.

"Our family has just that little bit of money. The money that I have saved is still sent back by Ning Ning at the school. It is only enough for the tuition and fees for two children and three children in the past two years, which is incomparable with those in the city."

Father Liu listened to her mother's words, and his face was a bit stiff.

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